March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

A Case of the Mom Face

A Case of the Mom Face, Happy Birthday

For those of you who “follow” me on social media (Twitter, Facebook or Instagram), you’re already aware that I turned 32 last Thursday (August 1). And, for the first year in my life, I can really notice the wear-and-tear on my body.

Let’s start with the crow’s feet.

And, while we’re on the topic, WHO came up with such an awful name? Can’t we call them radiant ridges? Or glamorous grooves? “Crow’s feet” makes it sound like some wild animal stomped all over my face with poop-stained feet.

Actually, that’s pretty accurate.

And while Brian and I were in Chicago for the BlogHer ’13 conference, I overheard a woman on the shuttle with us talking 90 to nothing about her blog and her life. She had the energy of a gazelle on Red Bull and a flawless face that looked no more than 5 years out of high school. I thought to myself that with energy and a face like that, she can’t be much older than 22.

But when I overheard her say that she was 31, I whipped around to check her out. Because, WAY back in July, I was 31 too.

And then I couldn’t help myself…

“Wow! I’m 31 too, but you look about 10 years younger than me!”

“Oh, thanks! I try to eat healthily and exercise regularly.”

“Yeah, so do I [please disregard the Snickers in my hand], but you just look so…rested.”

And then I did it. I became that mom…

“Do you have kids?”

“No. Not yet.”

“Oh, okay. That explains it.”

Oh yes I did.

Obviously, the conversation pretty much ended right there. Because there are few things more annoying than a mother with two kids telling a woman who isn’t yet a mother that she will age approximately 10 years for every one year of her future child’s life.

But it’s like I couldn’t help myself. I felt the need to explain that I too would look young and energetic if I hadn’t been run over by the toddler train.


I immediately regretted my decision to become that mom. It certainly didn’t benefit her, and it only made me look like the old woman who lived in (and then got repeatedly hit with) a shoe…

…who had so many anti-aging products, she didn’t know which to use.

So, on the night of my 32nd birthday, I decided to pull out some of my favorite anti-aging cosmetics and actually put them to good use.

Here are some of my new favorites:


Erase Paste by Benefit is a wonderful under-eye concealer since I have the makeup application skills of a spider monkey.

GinZing by Origins is a “refreshing eye cream to brighten and depuff.” The lady at Sephora told me it contains caffeine, and I really didn’t need to ask any more questions after that.

Korres Antiageing Primer is awesome since I have these patches of dry skin on my cheeks that are no doubt attributed to years of sleeping in my makeup and toxic levels of caffeine.

Finally, black and white photo filters make anyone instantly look 10 years younger. I learned that from everyone on Instagram.

What are your favorite anti-aging secrets/products?

This is not a sponsored post. Just some ideas from a worn-out mama. 

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  • Alison Atkins

    I’m noticing it, and I’m 27 🙁 I definitely have put my body through the ringer, and haven’t taken care of it – so I’m not surprised.

    • katyinacorner

      @Alison Atkins I feel your pain. Those French fries I “occasionally” eat (four times a week) aren’t doing me any favors.

  • Cheryl Lynn Belcher

    I love this;) I’m 35, I have 5 kid’s & I would have done the same thing;)lol
    More than anything I feel like they physically aged me 5 yrs a piece~~~at least on most days!!!
    Btw, I think you look lovely;)

    • katyinacorner

      @Cheryl Lynn Belcher Why, thank you, Cheryl! And serious props to you on the 5 kiddos. FIVE. Incredible. 🙂

  • Stephanie

    I’m always skeptical of this stuff, but I started using the Olay Regenerist Micro-sculpting serum about 6 months ago (I got it at Costco – extra score!), and I REALLY like it. Also, check out St. Ives Timeless Skin Collagen Elastin Moisturizer – you can get it at Walmart & again, despite my usual skepticism, I really like it, too!

    • katyinacorner

      @Stephanie Thanks for the product ideas! Seems like I’m now to the age where I have to start paying attention to stuff like this.

  • Ashlie Prior

    I have zero kids, but my laugh lines are ridiculous. I don’t mind them too much though. It just means that I have put my smile to good use over the years. 🙂

    • katyinacorner

      @Ashlie Prior GIRL! Don’t even get me started on the laugh lines. I like to call them nose-to-mouth trenches. It makes them seem more useful.

  • Jessica Scheibel

    Love this!!!! The only thing worse in these situations is when the woman DOES have children. Then I wonder if they have a nanny lol

  • imklvr

    Seriously, if you wrote some town names here and there, my face would look like a road map.  So let’s not talk wrinkles.  Or mustaches. ‘K?  Dona

    • katyinacorner

      imklvr Dona, I love the map analogy. I look forward to finding out what State I’ll look most like in a few more years. 🙂

  • WrinkledMommy

    I call my wrinkles, wisdom crevices. It makes me smile. I’m also off to research black and white photo filters!

    • katyinacorner

      WrinkledMommy Wisdom crevices? I LOVE that!

  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    I would have stood up and then *accidentally * spilled coffee all over her poshy self. “Sorry, did I spill my triple wakemeachino all over you?” Bum. Mer.” I have 4 kids, I just turned 50. 5-0. Feel free to click on my profile pic and hate me for all I’m worth. Oh? The hair is dyed. The joints are entirely arthritic. The back is shot. BUT? I don’t look 50. Right? RIGHT??? TELL ME, RIGHT?!?!?!

    • katyinacorner

      @Jennifer Zarifeh Major You’re rocking that 5-0, girl! And I heard that 50 is the new 30, so I’m basically still a teenager right now. You keep me laughing, Jennifer. I’m so glad you hang around my “corner.” 😉

  • LaLa

    Katy- my favorite anti-aging tip is just to wash and moisturize my face at night.  I spent my whole life doing this in the morning, but only recently have been diligent about doing it at night.  Makes a big difference on my skin.  Which, by the way, after 3 pregnancies is more splotchy and spotty than I care to admit.  Any one have tips on how to remove dark spots??  ugh.  They’re too big to be freckles, so gross.

    • katyinacorner

      @LaLa I’ve GOT to get better about the face washing thing. I’ve been doing the oil cleansing method for a while, but it takes quite a bit longer…and then I end up with oil in my bangs which drives me insane. So, then I have to fix my hair again before bed because I don’t like to wake up with oily hair. And then I’m too tired to do it. So, I just don’t wash my face. The end.

  • sarahsiders

    Oh man, totally done that thing where I try to feel better about myself for something by asking someone a question like that. Bummer. Not my finest moment. I use coconut oil on my face and the rest of my body for moisturizing. And even for sunscreen, since it works for that too. And of course, I cook with it, which is horribly annoying to my Midwestern raised husband. “Rub a little on your face and pour a little in the pan.” Yup. So I don’t think I look too old, but then, I am also very good at lying. To myself. Just FYI: I’m sure you think you have mom face, but you actually have one of those very youthful faces that may take many, many decades to actually age. Seriously. So go ahead and massage out the radiant ridges, but I think you’re doing pretty good.

    • katyinacorner

      sarahsiders Oooohhhhhh! I love coconut oil! I think it’s one of the most versatile kitchen/bathroom/home items to buy. And THANK YOU for the youthful compliments. Made my day…as I’m sitting here in sweatpants with no makeup and my glasses on. 😉

      • sarahsiders

        No makeup and sweatpants? You college kid, you.

  • Katy B

    Aging issues can go both ways…I am 29 with three children, and yesterday at my oldest daughter’s 4-H fair, three people thought I was there as a 4H kid…and I had to politely tell them that I am actually a 4H Mom. I feel like I look my age, but this kind of thing happens all the time…and it can be kind of awkward. But then my daughter said, “But Mom, don’t most old people like it when people think they are young?” Thanks honey, five minutes ago someone thought I was 17, now you think I’m old…guess it all balances out 🙂

    • katyinacorner

      @Katy B Yeah, no one ever accused me of looking ten years younger. You must have the genes and/or the secret to that youthful glow. Well done!

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