March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Celebrity Doppelganger

Celebrity Doppelganger

I think one of the most difficult aspects of blogging for me isn’t the writing, the photo editing, the video editing, or the constant need to be “in the know” technologically. No, the most difficult part for me is this black hole time waster called the Internet.

I spend at least 75% of my dedicated blog time asking myself the question, “Why in the WORLD am I reading this?”

[Funny, I often ask myself that same question while here on this blog.]

I spend another 20% of my dedicated blog time asking myself, “HOW did I even get here?”

Facebook is almost always the answer, by the way.

I’m ashamed to say that I have probably seen something like 500 blog posts or slideshows with various ridiculous but somehow appealing titles:

10 Celebrities Who Look Exactly Like Their Pets
48 Celebrities Whose Marriages Lasted Less than 48 Hours
25 Celebrities Who Have Aged Worse than an Inchworm on Black Asphalt in August

None of these are actual titles, but you get my point. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to these time wasters. I suppose I’m a sucker for numbered lists, photos, and annoying popups that freeze my computer for 20 minutes.

If you’re an easily-distracted web surfer like me, you’ve probably seen plenty of celebrity doppelgänger posts. A doppelgänger, for those who aren’t sure, is simply someone who looks like someone else.

Brian has an interesting doppelgänger theory. Actually, it’s a theory he borrowed from our hilarious friend Matt Garwood (the talented musician who wrote my Katy in a Corner theme song and also lots of fun educational songs). He thinks that everyone on earth has an ugly twin. Well, at least half the people on earth have an ugly twin. The other half are the ugly twin.

I’m not sure I could call her my celebrity doppelgänger, but I have been told that I could be Reese Witherspoon’s ugly twin.

I guess I’ll consider that a compliment. 

It wasn’t long after one of my internet black hole time warp things when I snapped the following photo of JJ in his Melissa & Doug dress-up police uniform.

Celebrity Doppelganger

Sweet, right? He was “talking” to his G-man (my dad). And a normal mother would frame such a sweet photo. Or text it to family members. Or, at the very least, post it on Facebook.

But not me . . . not Reese Witherspoon’s ugly twin. I immediately noticed the resemblance and began to search for a photo of JJ’s celebrity doppelgänger.

Celebrity Doppelganger (Fievel)(It’s Fievel, y’all!)

And then posted it to the black hole time warp that is my blog.

Who is your celebrity doppelgänger?

(Disclaimer: This post contains an Amazon Affiliate link.)
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  • Beth

    So cute!! Love this…….so cute!!!

  • G-Man

    People often ask me if I’m a coach. So, obviously somewhere out there is a coach, an ugly coach, who looks like me. I couldn’t be the ugly twin could I?

    • Katy in a Corner

      I don’t know, daddy. I think you look a bit like Urban Meyer. So, the real question is, do you think he’s attractive? 😉

  • Lori G

    Nancy Grace. I get it all the time. Last weekend I randomly chose a new nail shop that unbeknownst to me is frequented by some quasi-celebrities of ATL. My nail tech really thought I was her. Like kept asking me. I shook my finger very rudely and told her no. That didn’t help my case. Jk 🙂
    Gotta go – I’m headed back to stalk the nailshop. “2Chainz is that you?”

    • Katy in a Corner

      Lori, that’s hilarious! You could always die your hair. 😉

  • Cyndi

    Apparently mine are triplets, not twins, as I have been consistently told since I was a teenager that I resemble either Meg Ryan, Goldie Hawn or Angela Lansbury. A former roommate “lovingly” told me in the 80s during the Murder She Wrote heyday that I would be mistaken for Ms Lansbury when I reached retirement age. Really???

    • Katy in a Corner

      Cyndi, I don’t think Meg Ryan, Goldie Hawn or Angela Lansbury look ANYTHING alike! I’d go with Goldie on that one. 🙂

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