March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Corn, Cow Pies & Cops

Remember a few weeks ago when I said I would never again take a road trip while our kids are toddlers? Remember that? Remember how I said I’d rather rip off my toenails with a crowbar?

Labor Day Weekend - Road Trip

Yeah. I lied.

Actually, I didn’t lie. I just forgot that we planned this Labor Day weekend trip to my in-laws’ farm house in Indiana. So, last Thursday morning—around (ahem) noon—we piled in the car, set Blues Clues on constant loop, and made the 10-hour trek to the Hoosier State.

And even though another long trip was involved, I was excited to get away from the Kansas City heat and to visit with my in-laws on their beautiful farm.

Labor Day Weekend - The Farm House

Quaint, little farm house, hmmm?

I always love going there. I’m not sure if it’s the way JJ’s face lights up when he sees the endless piles of rocks and the spring-fed pond just begging to meet face-to-face. It could be the way Averi yells, “PaPaaaaaaa” when she sees Brian’s dad. Maybe it’s the way Brian turns into a country boy and starts spitting a lot and referring to me as “womenfolk.”

Maybe it’s the opportunity for me to get into nature and capture something outside my living room for a change—better yet, something outside the Internet.

Because Indiana corn knows nothing about twerking. And that makes me really happy.

Labor Day Weekend - Corn

Stay innocent, you slightly-matured, sweet corn stalk. (Get it? Sweet corn.)

All of you. Stay true to the One who created you.

Labor Day Weekend - Corn Rows

Don’t follow every self-gratifying, ridiculous fad that the wind blows in your direction.

And don’t shed your shucks just so the world can expose you, chew you up and spit you out.

Labor Day Weekend - Corn Husk

I know it sounds corny, but it truly is amaizeing what God has in store for you.

[Oh wow. I think Katy’s been hitting the ethanol.]

A third of my photos from this past weekend were of hay bales. I’m really not sure why I love to photograph them so much. It could be their understated beauty.

Labor Day Weekend - Hay Bales in the Pasture

Their perfect form and the way each one looks exactly like the others. (Except for the guy below. He looks like Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street.)

Labor Day Weekend - The Hoosier State

(You know I’m right.)

Maybe it’s the way hay bales stand tall—yet unimposing—against the vast, Indiana landscape.

Labor Day Weekend - Hay Bales

Or the way the sunbeams dance through their wispy strands.

Labor Day Weekend - Hay Bale

Or it could just be the way they sit perfectly still. So quiet. So subdued.

Unlike SOMEONE I know.

Labor Day Weekend - Averi

Robyn (Brian’s step-mom) wised up and covered the furniture with brown paper so Averi could do what Averi does:  run buck wild.

Labor Day Weekend - Big Shoes

“What? Who’s wild? To whom do you refer, Moooooooom?!?”

Labor Day Weekend - Pouty Averi

“Seriously, don’t talk about me like I’m not here. I hate it when you do that. Gah, you’re the worst mother EVER!”

(I’m paraphrasing, here. Check back in 11 years, and that might be a direct quote.)

Averi had a blast this weekend—previous photo notwithstanding.

Labor Day Weekend - Bell

But, like me (and her daddy too if we’re being honest), she has a finite appreciation for bugs and cow dung.

Labor Day Weekend - Cow

Yeah, I’m talking to you, buddy.

JJ, on the other hand, could absolutely live outside. The rocks, the bugs, the water, the fish—it’s all too exciting for him. He wasn’t even fazed when he picked up a dried, flattened cow pie, snapped it in half, and COVERED himself in dried dung dust.

(Ugh. I’m still nauseous just thinking about it.)

Nothing makes our boy happier than the great outdoors.

To add to the excitement, JJ even caught his first “one, two, three, four, five…SIX FISH” in Grandpa’s pond.

Labor Day Weekend - First Fish

The pond that my father-in-law just stocked on Memorial Day weekend and a bit more this past weekend.

Labor Day Weekend - Fish

Those little babies will live up to their “Largemouth” name soon enough.

Grandpa then tried to get JJ to kiss his “big” catch.

Labor Day Weekend - Fish Face

Yeah, I don’t know either. I think this is some weird Morgan ritual wherein the male patriarch torments the youngest male so that he will in turn torment his own offspring one day. I don’t question it.

It’s their legacy.

And speaking of legacies, I had the chance to re-introduce myself to Robyn’s family for the first time in over a decade.

They’re Italians.

From Chicago.

They’re so much fun.

And they brought Italian beef to share.

Basically, I’m in love.

Labor Day Weekend - Italian Beef

With the beef, I mean.

And Robyn’s family is pretty awesome too.

Okay, I’m also love with Brian.

But let’s talk about Brian for a minute, shall we? Because there’s something I just have to get off my chest.

Mind you, all of my blog posts (and most of my social media posts as well) are edited and approved by my husband, so please don’t think he’s the unwitting butt of my jokes. He’s the more-than-willing butt of my jokes. He gladly putts his butt on the line to give me an incredible amount of material. Daily.

That said, I’ll have you know that as we drove back to Kansas from Indiana this weekend, we had the wonderful opportunity to discuss law and order with our children.

No, not the show. The real thing.

Labor Day - The Long Arm of the Law


I hope you keep checking back because I plan to reenact this scene in video form. There is no better way to describe the atmosphere in the car than through a vlog.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand scene.

What about you guys? Did any of you get a speeding ticket this past weekend? Did any of you say “I told you so” to your lead-footed spouse this weekend?

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  • Katy's Mama


    I had to do a double take of the picture of Averi & J.J. on the fence. She looks just like your cousin Amanda in the pic!!

    I will have to tell Robyn I LOVE her idea of paper on the tables. Wish I had thought of that months ago!! Maybe years!

    Brian, I have 2 things to say to you! When she is making you the butt of her jokes she is leaving me alone so that is always a very good blog!! Also, How many speeding tickets do you have to get before you realize, YOU ARE GOING TOO FAST WITH PRECIOUS CARGO IN YOUR CAR??????????? Just asking!

    Looks like you had a great weekend! Glad y’all were able to get away from the heat for a while.

    Love you,

  • Friend from C-Town

    Seriously Brian…How many tickets and/or warnings does that make this year? I think you have surpassed even my record for one year. Pretty soon you will be hearing “Daddy, there is a police man behind us that wants to have word with you.”

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