March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Geographic Irony

Well, since we seem to have a “crime and punishment” theme going on this week, I thought I’d publish the photo below for your viewing pleasure and for my parents’ inevitable disappointment in my parenting skills.

Geographic Irony

I have 4 observations.

Photo Observation 1:  I’m loving this adorable top and bubble shorts from babyGap. No, this is not an advertisement. But, now that you mention it, I would totally be willing to work on a deal. I could outfit my entire family from The Gap, and in exchange I could be their version of the Crazy Target Lady.

I would LOVE to be the Crazy Gap Lady.

Or The CrAp Lady for short.


Let’s stick with Crazy Gap Lady.

The CrAp Lady is what I’ll call myself when I’m old and start begging for sponsors like Depends.

[Ugh. Did she SERIOUSLY just go there?]

Y’all, I don’t resort to potty humor often. But I just “stepped right into” that one.

(Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Someone please get this keyboard away from me before I do it again.)

Photo Observation 2:  I’m so glad Averi’s hair has FINALLY started to grow so I can put cute bows in it that she’ll rip out with fistfuls of hair.

You can really tell how much it’s grown since June of last year. Back then, instead of calling her by her name, we’d walk around singing, “Cha-cha-cha Chia” and then dump water on her head.

Geographic Irony

And we wonder why she terrorizes us now.

Photo Observation 3:  My 19-month-old is scaling a chain link fence. And, as I sprint over to stop her from doing this, I pull my iPhone out of my pocket, unlock it, get just the right angle, take several shots since that annoying camera on the iPhone is always blurry, and then promptly remove her from the fence.

Still working on that parenting book, y’all.

Photo Observation 4:  If you were to step to the other side of that fence, you would have a fantastic view of the Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary. Which makes this photo about as geographically ironic as possible.

The Shawshank Redemption, as it turns out, is not a great film for toddlers.

Unrelated:  I can’t seem to find my pickax anywhere.

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  • Trisha Sybesma Roe

    I think I live in your backyard

  • Katy in a Corner

    Wait…so YOU’RE the one who pitched a tent in our backyard and keeps peeking through our windows?!?!? Kidding! I think so too, Trisha. 😉

  • Trisha Sybesma Roe

    Busted 🙂

  • Katy's Mama

    I guess my question would be, what was on the other side that she felt she needed to get to??  She is the cutest thing.  Better keep your eye on that one!!!

  • SarahBourne

    “And, as I sprint over to stop her from doing this, I pull my iPhone out of my pocket, unlock it, get just the right angle, take several shots since that annoying camera on the iPhone is always blurry, and then promptly remove her from the fence.”
    I LOVE this because I am SO guilty of doing that as well to my 6 year old!
    “Oh, the horse you’re feeding carrots to is eating your fingers? WAIT, HOLD THAT POSITION! I NEED TO TAKE A PICTURE!”
    “Igor (Our 150 lb Great Dane) is sitting on you and squashing you? SUCK IT UP! I HAVE TO GET THIS ON CAMERA!”
    It’s totally fine though. We’re right there to make sure no real damage occurs. And I’m pretty sure we’ll put the phone down if anything actually harmful happens… 😉
    (Disclaimer – the horse only lipped at her fingers to try to get the carrot – he never actually bit her and I knew he wouldn’t)
    (Disclaimer 2 – the dog wasn’t really hurting her – just annoying her… She’s a bit of a drama queen ;))

  • Adrienn

    Oh My…you WOULD make an awesome Gap Crazy Lady!  Not that I think you’re crazy, but because I LOVE the Crazy Target Lady and I would Love you too! Ha! That Target lady gets me every time!  Whenever I’m zooming through the commercials on the DVR during the holidays and I catch a glimpse of one of those commercials I HAVE to stop, rewind, watch, rewind, watch, rewind, watch, rewind…you get the idea. -Adrienn/This Uncomplicated Journey

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  • […] In case you’re wondering where I’ve been this week, I present to you this photo series to give you an idea. Basically, Brian has had a week full of 14-hour work days, so I’ve been busy as a referee, nursemaid, and the exhausted person who finds herself screaming things like, “Please don’t jump on the table,” “We don’t eat bugs,” and “PLEASE don’t climb the fence!” […]

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