March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

IRS: Intersection Ridiculousness Service

I just have one question to ask you on this ordinary, Friday afternoon:  Do you love your job THIS much?

Please give me just 1/100th of his energy (assuming that it is not chemically induced). Maybe if I had that kind of energy, I could clean off my windshield before shooting videos like this.

I do wonder what the corporate marketing meeting at Liberty Tax Service must have sounded like:

Boss Man (or Woman):  Team, it’s clear that our past marketing campaigns have not worked. More and more people have switched to TurboTax rendering our brick and mortar tax stores completely useless. How can we better demonstrate our professionalism and expertise?

Brilliant Mind #1:  Let’s get a teenager, dress him up in a cheap Statue of Liberty costume and have him dance around with a Liberty Tax arrow sign.

Brilliant Mind #2:  Better yet, let’s pump him full of Go-Go Juice, plant him at major intersections and hope for a 10-car pileup!

(Long pause…)

Boss Man (or Woman):  You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s your grand idea? That’s it…you’re both getting raises!

Liberty Tax Service should totally change their name to IRS (Intersection Ridiculousness Service).

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  • KateHall

    That video is hilarious! I’m laughing out loud. He deserves a raise.

  • wallsmom

    Yes, every time we see one of these type advertisements, my husband says….they must pay those people a LOT of money to do something so dumb!

  • Karmen

    So funny! Just saw a similar person Sunday doing a very spirited dance (no earbuds either–just from the music in his head apparently!). You are so funny and brave in the way you share your life. I truly enjoy every post. I want to award you with the Bloggy Dance Award (I know, what does that name even mean?). Just copy and paste the award from my blog to yours, including the questions and then pass the award on to someone you deem worthy.

  • Karmen

    Sorry, but I think I typed my blog name wrong in my earlier comment. Yep, that is how I roll.

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