March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Katy in Real Life

Katy in Real Life, 1

Oh, hello there! Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. I’m just in the kitchen where I always am…whipping up a batch of organic, gluten-free cookies with my perfectly well-behaved baby while I update my blog.

In heels.

Katy in Real Life, 2

And a freshly-pressed pencil skirt.

(That’s our other perfect child behind me.)

When I’m not cooking, cleaning or exercising, I like to update my blog while I do laundry with homemade detergent.

Katy in Real Life, 3

Occasionally, I snack on Pringles. But never too many…because I like to be a model of self-control for my children.

Well, I can’t chitchat for too long since I have dinner on the stove, cookies in the oven and a preschool lesson to deliver. I like to touch-up my makeup before our home-school lessons so the children see me at my best.

Katy in Real Life, 4

I’m so glad y’all could stop by to see what every single day is like here at Katy in a Corner.

I’m just an ordinary mom, really.

I put my 4-inch heels on one at a time just like everyone.

(Learn more about this photo shoot here.)

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Showing 19 comments

  • Rita Sheloff

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I love this post!! Of course, I just need to go put on my own 4 inch heels!! All kidding aside, these are some FANTASTIC photos of you! Way to go 🙂

    • katyinacorner

      Rita Sheloff Thanks so much, Rita! I just can’t get over how much they look exactly like me in everyday life. 😉

  • Ashley T

    Katy I love this post!!! Your headshot is awesome!!! You are so beautiful!!! Send me some more pictures!!!!

    • katyinacorner

      Ashley T Thank you, sweetie! I’ll send you all the reject photos. Like 99.9% of them. 🙂 Miss you!

  • KateHall


    • katyinacorner

      KateHall You’re a sweetie, Kate! 😉

  • Rachel Seaton Fish

    Love it! LOVE!

  • Karmen

    Fantastic! I love that I couldn’t be more disgusting in my workout clothes and unshowered ponytail right now as I read this! Ha!

    • katyinacorner

      @Karmen I so wish you could have seen what I looked like while I wrote this post. Wait, no I don’t.

  • imklvr

    I love it!  Almost like looking in a mirror, it’s so much like MY day! (hehe)  You are cute as a button, ya know?

    • katyinacorner

      imklvr Why thank you!!! Just an ordinary day around here… (AHEM)

  • mustloveleftovers

    Seriously, that first one should be on the main page of your blog.  I love your smile and look of “my life is pure delight every minute, day and night.”  Classic classic.  These are great photos!  🙂

    • katyinacorner

      mustloveleftovers THANK YOU! You made my day. 🙂

  • kacyj1s

    Great photos! You are so beautiful and your children are adorable!

    • katyinacorner

      kacyj1s Thanks so much for your sweet compliments!!! It was fun to feel glamorous for a day…but I went right back to Cinderella in yoga pants at midnight. 🙂

  • Shawna B

    Katy! I love all the details in the pics… like the flour or the dishes or your son tugging on your apron. You are a mom and you are amazing! (I’m actually writing this in 3″ heels @ in my office building. I put on make up this morning and dropped my kids off because I’ve found that I’m a better mommy when my kids are at school/daycare.)

  • dustyearthmother

    You? Crack me up.

  • Bad Parenting Moments

    You are darling and hilarious.

  • MandyMcKennaMUA

    YAY! I love seeing the final products! 🙂

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