March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Sick and Tired (and Morganizing Giveaway Winner Announced!)

Sick and Tired, I Have No Idea

Having a kid is not unlike inviting a walking, peeing, pooping, whining, vomiting germ into your home.

I mean that in the most loving way possible.

Both kiddos were sick this weekend with this cough/fever/sore throat/runny nose/vomiting mess that’s been going around lately. Which means that Brian and I both decided to catch it in order to make life truly exciting.

I feel like we’re in a Robitussin commercial right now.

But, I will NOT allow this mess to stifle our fun. So, without further adieu, I’d like to announce the winner of the first ever Morganizing Giveaway:


“Shop for myself?? What is that?? I didn’t know I was allowed to do that! But if I could, I would buy all my clothes at Maurices (I don’t know if they have stores everywhere but we have them here in NY…) because they are adorable, relatively inexpensive, and make me look somewhat put together (instead of like the frazzled, exhausted, pregnant mama of a toddler that I actually am). Oh! And Target is awesome too because they have a good selection and are cheap, and they are one of the only places in the world that actually sells affordable maternity clothes!!”

Congratulations, Rachel! Be on the lookout for an email from a Katy in a Corner account. It tends to get pushed to spam. But somehow Viagra messages make it through those filters. Go figure.

Stay tuned because we have a WHOLE LOT MORE Morganizing to do!

Also, if you’d like to receive my blog posts to your inbox, please subscribe at the top, right corner of this page. I promise I will NEVER sell your information or send you junk. Unless you consider my blog posts junk. But then you probably won’t want to subscribe anyway.

I’ll stop now.

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Showing 3 comments

  • Courageous Jane

    Aha! Sorry to hear you’re under the weather, but great writing! Just discovered your blog (via Pinterest) and love your style. Followed immediately, including on Twitter and Pinterest. I think you’ll find my writing style slightly similar … … I’d appreciate a follow-back if you like it. If not, I’m good. Now worries. I don’t cry myself to sleep over this kind of thing. Get better soon!

  • Phinesley

    What is Averi chewing on?  Get to feeling better soon!

    • katyinacorner

      Phinesley Mama, she’s chewing on a play house at one of those indoor play areas. It grosses me out just to type that.

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