March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Snow Day and Giveaway Winner Announced

Snow Day 1

Before I announce the winner of the Celebrate Stupidity Giveaway, I want to share with you a photo I took this morning from inside our house with the door only slightly cracked in order to avoid a face-full of snow.

My friends, this lovely coating of pure white beauty is the reason I will probably have a nervous breakdown within the next 24 hours.

It’s not that I’m the type of person who needs to leave the house every day. But it’s the fact that I can’t go anywhere that has me a bit…EDGY. I actually told my husband that if he hugged me ONE MORE TIME I was going throat punch him.

There’s nothing quite like mandatory family togetherness. Especially when one of you is a hugger and the other is a throat puncher (figuratively, not literally).

I’m like the Snow Grinch.

And then I felt really bad when I looked up from my computer and saw the lunch he prepared for us.

Snow Day 2

I think he thought I was just hangry (hungry+angry=hangry).

And in my rush at the grocery store yesterday (with all the other geniuses who decided to wait until 8 p.m. the night before a snowstorm), I forgot Coke Zero.


So, we paid our neighbor’s kid $2 to bring us two of them.

Snow Day 3

He was pretty excited about our generosity.

Later, we’ll probably pay him a few more dollars to shovel our driveway. Because we care about his desire to earn an honest living. And also our desire for cheap labor.

Now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for…

The totally random winner of our Celebrate Stupidity Giveaway is:

Got up to to get a drink of water in middle of the night….woke up the next day looking for the Advil for a headache I had and of course the Advil was in the fridge right next to the drink I left in there …..oh and to add to the craziness….I will admit that the “said” bottle of Advil stayed in fridge for a Couple days…..WhAt?!?

Congrats, Becky!

As soon as I can dig my way out of 2 feet of snow, I’ll pop that right in the mail.

And then I’ll be sure to show up for breakfast one day. Totally unexpected.

I like my eggs over-medium. And my bacon not too crispy.

Stay tuned, friends, because I have plans for many more giveaways. Also, I plan to post more videos in the very near future!

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  • elephtluvr

    Congrats Becky!
    I was trying to save you some postage Katy! LOL!

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