March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

A Sound I Never Want to Forget (with VIDEO)

A Sound I Never Want to Forget

The kids and I were over at my friend Staci’s house last week for a play date. Staci’s daughter, Ellie, is 8 years old, and Averi is absolutely taken with her. My little girl loves to play dolls with “Ehwie” (as Averi calls her).

And Ellie even lets “A-zilla” (as I call her) play with her rather expensive American Girl doll accessories.


Bad move, Ehwie.

While we were at her house, Staci made an offhanded remark about how I’ll be glad I have so much video of Averi’s voice at this age. You know, because she’ll be 8 before I can blink.

And then I started to think that maybe I don’t have enough video. I mean, I certainly pull out the camera when they’re throwing tantrums (for blackmail and all), but I don’t have much conversational video of either of our kids. And I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I ever forgot what they were like as toddlers.

So, after our visit to the fantastic Kansas City Zoo this past weekend, I decided to “interview” Averi about our trip. The result is the following video that I have watched close to 6,000 times.

The sound of Averi’s voice at this age is something I never want to forget. There is something so precious and innocent about that high-pitched tone. Her round, dimpled cheeks are so sweet I have to kiss them every chance I get. And the expressiveness in her entire upper body is so hilarious to me.

But then, when it gets to the end of the video, we get a taste of what we’ll be dealing with in about 10 years when she’s a teenager.

A decade should be plenty of time to prepare for hormones, right?

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  • Katy's Mama

    I think I have seen that eye roll before! I just wish she was more expressive!!! Too cute!

  • G-Man

    Katy, first of all that video is so cute and hysterical. I too, not unlike your mother, have seen that eye roll before. In fact, I’m pretty sure I caught it a time or two last month while we were in Kansas. (And I’m not talking about from Averi.)

    As for those hormonal teenage years, I will be glad to share as much of my “wisdom” as you would like to hear. I’m especially knowledgeable about things you shouldn’t say to your teenage daughter. 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Daddy, I’m sure I never disrespected you in such a way. (*Cough, cough*) However, I do think you could write a book entitled, “‘Is it THAT TIME?’ And Other Stupid Questions Not to Ask Your Teenage Daughter.” Other than that you were/are a perfect dad. 😉

  • Kim Jordan

    Having raised two daughters to adulthood, I can tell you that eye roll is pretty much going to be her standard response to anything you say…no matter how much sense you are making or how calmly you manage to say it! Get ready. And keep those videos handy because when that time comes, you will NOT be able to conjure up that sweet face without something to jog your memory! HA! And keep making those videos into the teenage years. One of my favorite videos from that time is of my eldest daughter at 15 on Christmas morning. She has just tried on a new shirt and when I reach to help adjust the shoulder pads (it’s the ’80’s), she says, with all the sarcastic venom only a teenage girl can produce, “Mother, I think I KNOW how to put on a shirt!” We look at that video now and she just cringes…now she is the sweetest, most thoughtful daughter a mother could want. So take heart…if you don’t kill her (and looking at those old videos should help) she will grow up to be your best friend. It only takes about 20 years!

    • Katy in a Corner

      What an encouragement, Kim! Thank you for telling your story. That sounds like a memory my parents would have of me. 🙂

  • Karmen

    Awwwww! This makes me want to pull out the old videos and remember when the sound of my girls voices was sweet and entertaining and not surly and full of disdain. Sigh. 11 and 15 can stink. FYI.

    So great that you understand that you WILL want to remember this sweet time! Keep videoing.

  • Sarah

    LOVE it! I record my kids all the time (Lulu’s first word was “cheese,” and not for the food.) I love sassy 2s!

  • Laurie

    We have lots of video when the kids were growing up, but mostly of holidays and birthdays. What a good idea to record what they were thinking at any given moment.

    Just found out my daughter is pregnant with our first grandchild. So I went on a hunt for a cassette tape I made 31 years ago recording her heartbeat in the doctor’s office when I was pregnant with her. And actually found it! Of course, now I’ll have to find a way to convert it to a CD… But can’t wait to share it with her.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Laurie, what a FUN thing to give your daughter as she’s expecting your first grandchild. I’m sure she will treasure that. Congrats!

  • Beth @ Sawdust and Embryos

    UGH… I can identify with that eye-roll SO MUCH! TIMES TWO in fact.

  • Kat

    Oh my gosh I LOVE her!

  • Suzanne

    I have a friend who did not tolerate the eye roll even from the earliest age. She took it very seriously, and disciplined the children regularly for facial expressions and tones that indicated disrespect. These kids are all adults with families of their own now. I can’t judge their hearts, but based on the difference between who their mom thinks they are and who their peers think they are, I would say they are pharisees of the highest order. I never found the delicate balance between grace and teaching respect, so I can’t help you there. What I do know is that discipline problems that arise or come to light in the teen years did not start there, and you need great wisdom from the Holy Spirit to discern when they are taking root. Sorry to be so serious on such a cute, funny post, but this is one mama who would do a whole lot of things differently, given the opportunity!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Suzanne, I do completely agree and wouldn’t want to tolerate disrespect from my kids. Ever. I will say, though, that I did greatly exaggerate Averi’s “eye roll.” This was an involuntary, expressive face on her part. She often looks up like that when she’s thinking of what to say. Though, I do know the day is coming soon when it WON’T be involuntary. I was merely having fun with Averi’s extreme expressiveness. (She is her mother’s daughter.)

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