March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Start Spreading the News

New York City

Start spreading the news.
We’re leaving today. (Actually, tomorrow.)
We want to be a part of it.
New York, New York.

Sorry, I can’t help myself. I’ve been singing this song ever since Brian gifted me (on Valentine’s Day) with a trip to New York City. Actually he gifted me with a trip anywhere I wanted to go, and I chose New York City.

Sans kids.

For an entire weekend.

There is not a word in the English language that adequately conveys my excitement, so I’ll just say this,


I believe that is Greek for “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!”

I’m so excited I can’t see straight. Some of you might remember that I went with my mom and my aunt to NYC last December, but my sole purpose this time is to see Wicked (my favorite show). On Broadway. With my sweetheart.

Also, to eat until I can’t move.

(Restaurant suggestions, anyone?)

Brian and I have been through the ringer since November, so this trip is very much a welcome break for us. It almost feels like a second honeymoon.

Minus the awkward questions from my mom afterward.

Speaking of my mom, she and dad generously volunteered to watch the kiddos while we gallivant around New York City like newlyweds. I just pray that JJ won’t give my parents too much grief with his very particular bedtime routine and that Averi won’t make herself throw up if she doesn’t get her way.

But I’m sure none of that will happen. Noooooooo. I’m sure it won’t.

And I’m pretty sure I will “accidentally” lose my phone as soon as we pull out of the driveway on Friday morning.

If you’d like to keep up with the goings-on this weekend, I plan to post photos and updates to my Facebook and Twitter accounts. But, before we depart, I would like to ask for your help with something. I would love for you to help me come up with some great interview questions for a Broadway actress/mom.

The wonderful managing editor of ModernMom (where I am a featured blogger) helped me coordinate an interview with a “Broadway Mom” who is also a Wicked cast member. This is so exciting for me since, once upon a time, I had my sights set on Broadway. But in his sovereign plan, God had plans for me that were a bit less Broadway and a bit more YouTube.

Still, I am curious about what that uniquely demanding career must be like for a mother:

How does she manage? Does motherhood limit her stage opportunities? What is it like to wear makeup every day? When she makes dinner and no one likes it, does she sing/scream, “No good deeeeeeeed goes unpunished!” Most importantly, is she allowed to wear yoga pants to rehearsal?

Moms, I’d like for you to help me come up with some questions for this mom/Broadway actress. We’ll call her a Mactress. Or a Broadmom. Or maybe we’ll just stick to mom/Broadway actress.

What questions would you ask her?

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  • GMan

    Katy and Brian,
    Don’t worry about a thing. Precious and G-man are on the scene! We are so excited about the opportunity to introduce JJ and Averi to the finer things in life such as Baked Cheetos, real ice cream and jumping on the beds. (The movie Parental Guidance suddenly comes to mind.) So lose those phones and don’t even give it a second thought. Your children are in very capable hands!

    • katyinacorner

      @GMan We’re not worried, Daddy. Not at all. That’s precisely why we have nanny cameras set up in undisclosed locations to monitor your behavior. 🙂

  • SarahBourne

    Do her husband and kids watch every show she performs in?
    Does she practice at home? And, if so, how does she manage to do it uninterrupted?

    • katyinacorner

      SarahBourne Fantastic questions, Sarah! I especially love the last one. 🙂 Thanks for reading and for the great questions!

  • DesireeMcDougal

    No clue, but how do you spend only a weekend in NYC?!  lol   We went for 2 weeks last year for our honeymoon and still  didnt have enough time.  Were heading back again in July for 10 days, gonna see Chicago on Broadway!  It was a toss up between Wicked… let me know how  you liked it.

    • katyinacorner

      DesireeMcDougal I saw Wicked twice in London and LOVED it. I could have watched it every weekend! Three days is a quick turn-around, but I don’t think my husband could afford to keep me in a region of the world with such great shopping for more than three days. I’ll let you know if we have any recommendations before you head out in July!

  • Shawna B

    First of all, Katy: you are awesome. Second, I want to know how she teaches her kids about self esteem and positive body image if she’s constantly under pressure to watch her weight or how she looks.

    • katyinacorner

      Shawna B Shawna, that’s a great question. I can’t imagine the pressure on any celebrity/actress to look “perfect” at all times. 

      Oh, and YOU are awesome. 😉 Thanks for your encouragement.

  • cargentine

    What falls into the cracks for her, and how does she handle it?   Time with her partner?  Alone time?  Sleep?   Reading? A quite moment?

    • katyinacorner

      cargentine Looooooove this question! You know what falls through the cracks for me? Laundry. Cooking. Cleaning. I wonder if this mom has a nanny and a housekeeper.

  • mustloveleftovers

    I’m still cracking up at the comments with G-Man, let alone the hilarious post.  Ask the broadmom if they have a traveling nanny called a tranny…no, wait–don’t ask that.  Wait, you’re in NY, ask it!!!  Just kidding.  Have a great time!!!

    • katyinacorner

      mustloveleftovers Yeah, G-man’s a real comedian alright. He’ll be laughing right up until Averi throws up on him. Or when JJ kicks him in the face mid-tantrum. Then we’ll see who is laughing. PS – I want a tranny! 😉

  • rtgallagher8

    I am so jealous!! I want to eat until I can’t move. But then I’d get bad gas while watching the Broadway shows. Enjoy!

  • moody_marie

    OMG…What a cool opportunity!!! You should ask her if she understands how I’m living vicariously through her (even though we’re complete strangers)…and if she’d let me switch places with her for a day. I know I’d do great because I know the soundtrack by heart.

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