March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Summer Family Photo Album


I really would love to be one of those people who comes home from a trip, unpacks my suitcase(s) the moment I step foot in the door, throws a load of laundry in the washer before I’ve even taken off my shoes, and then creates a scrapbook or photo album entitled “Summer Family Photo Album” before the memories have faded.

If you know me or have read this blog for more than a week, you know good and well that just isn’t me.

Not even close.

But this past summer was one of the best summers of my life. Maybe the best. Despite the screaming and tantrums, the sleepless nights, the potty training failures, and my miserable attempts at motherhood, I can look back through my thousands of photos from our summer and know that I am blessed far beyond what I expected. And certainly beyond what I have earned. This has been a summer full of grace…in so many ways.

Let’s start here:


It doesn’t get any better than this, friends. Brian was baptized this past June as an outward sign of the work that Jesus has done in his life (Acts 2:38), and I can’t begin to describe how precious this moment was and is to me now.

Even if I never get around to creating a photo book about it.

One day Brian and I will sit down and write (or video) our story and tell you all the amazing things that God has done in our lives and our marriage, but that will have to come at a later time. Soon, though.

Soon and very soon.

[Ugh, did she seriously just make a gospel music joke?]

Speaking of grace, I have asked for two extra helpings of it when it comes to these two babies of mine. They have both really grown into “independent,” opinionated, and sometimes downright manipulative toddlers.


“But I said that I want to watch a movie!”

“Mama, Averi said SHE wants to watch a movie.”



 “JJ what did you do to your sister to make her scream?”



These two learned how to torment each other on a professional level this summer. They also learned how to push all of my buttons.

Every. Single. One.

“Who, meeeeeeeeeee?”


These two are more than just a handful.


Way more.


And they know it.


But—the glorious BUT—there are those glimpses of kindness that make motherhood worth it all.


And though it usually doesn’t last long, it makes me forget how mischievous they were right before and after this moment. They have learned how to occasionally show affection and love toward something other than inanimate toys like Lightning McQueen or Elmo.


This summer, JJ and Averi learned to play together. Well, Averi has learned to enjoy it when JJ picks on her.


And JJ has learned to live with it when Averi steals all of his toys. At the same time.


I can’t even believe how quickly these two have grown. And despite the tantrums and meltdowns, they are at such a fun age. We spent the entire summer doing what you do when you have toddlers:

Playing airplane.


Building forts.


Setting up obstacle courses in the driveway.


Cleaning up messes.


Lots of messes.


Getting them out of precarious situations.


Refueling on nutritious hot dogs.


Playing in fountains.


Going to the movies.


Watching construction from our driveway.


Going to the park.


And inventing creative ways to get home when they’re both too tired to walk.


We spent the summer celebrating birthdays….


…and enjoying all the good that God has done in our little family.


I’m beyond grateful for the tense moments (speeding tickets, anyone?) because they make the sweet moments that much sweeter.

A man in uniform hugging his kids. Be still my heart.


The picture below was taken on the campus of the University of Georgia right outside the stadium and near the Grady College of Journalism (my old stomping ground).


As I walked and snapped photos of these three, it occurred to me that a whole decade has gone by since I waited for the bus to class or contemplated dropping out because I hated the idea of reporting the news for a living.

I can’t believe it’s been that long. And, now, I have two kids to take back to my Alma Mater so they can walk around with their pants on the ground.


It’s all the rage, apparently.


Our summer of family, fun and food is now behind us.


And though I have the additional 15 pounds to show for it,


I also have the wonderful memories.


And approximately 10,102 photos (not an exaggeration).

One day, I’ll post all of my nature photos so I can bore you half to tears.


There are few things I enjoy more than photographing things that will sit still long enough for me to photograph them.


Okay, one more, and I promise I’ll be done with nature photos for today.


Finally, I’ll leave you with a photo Brian took of me in New York when we went there to pick up my Google Glass.


This photo perfectly explains why I would have made a horrible news reporter. Here I have all these devices designed to capture exciting moments like a high-profile, Hollywood celebrity in a high-profile Broadway show, and I clearly missed the “money” shot.

Ah, well. Maybe next time I’m in New York.

Okay, so let’s talk about fall. What are you most looking forward to as we head into another season? Let me guess, Pumpkin Spice Latte?

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  • Shana

    Thank you for the photos, Katy. Your photos made me miss Georgia, my kids at that age, and truly living. You really are blessed beyond measure. You always have been. I am glad that you are enjoying your life!


    • Katy in a Corner

      Awww…thanks, Shana! These photos make me miss Georgia too. And all our “old” friends from high school and college days. 😉

  • Karmen

    Great post! What a fantastic legacy you and your husband are leaving for your kids! I gave up on scrapbooking a loooooong time ago. I keep telling myself that is what my blog is for. : )

    • Katy in a Corner

      I’m with you, Karmen! This blog is my virtual scrapbook. So my kids can look back and say, “Thanks, mom. For making fun of me all those years when I couldn’t yet defend myself.” And then they’ll start blogs to tell all of my embarrassing secrets.

  • Shawna B.

    Bring on the apple cider! Hard or otherwise. I’m not picky.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Mmmm…I do love some apple cider on a cold day! I love apple anything, really.

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