March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Blogiversary Giveaway Winners Announced!

On the first Blogiversary, my true love sent to me:

A book for Ms. JuliaJetSki.

On the second Blogiversary, my true love sent to me:

A book for DeannaMurphy. And a book for Ms. Julia JetSki.

On the third Blogiversary…

I’m just kidding. I won’t make you sit through all this nonsense. Though, I’m really tempted to do the entire song in video form. You should be really thankful I have no makeup on right now. That’s all I’m saying.

Here are the random winners of the 12 copies of my favorite parenting book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart:

  1. ChristyBell518
  2. Jill Kemerer
  3. Amanda
  4. JuliaJetSki
  5. LisaMom0609
  6. angie76
  7. Brooke
  8. LisaD
  9. Nicole
  10. DeannaMurphy
  11. mrstopherac
  12. sopia25

Please send an email to with your physical address so I can get those in the mail this week!

Thank you all again for your prayers, your encouragement, and your participation on Katy in a Corner this past year! God may not allow me to make it another 60 years, and finances may not allow me to hand out diamonds, but I do want to say that you are all precious gems to me.

[That is by far the corniest thing I have ever heard. And I watch The Bachelor, for Pete’s sake!]

Seriously, I appreciate y’all. More than you know.

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Showing 4 comments

  • ShanaSpears

    You would not do the whole song. You respect yourself too much. lol

  • Brooke

    YAY!  I actually won something!  I never win anything! 🙂

  • JuliaJetSki

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner is right, I WON!!!!

  • katyinacorner

    ShanaSpears Don’t tempt me, Shana. Don’t you dare. 🙂

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