March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Fall Fashion Giveaway! (Winner Announced)

The winner of the gorgeous gloves is…

Judi Miller:  “Love my sweaters & boots!!! A free 20 seconds, that’s all I had ;)

Congratulations, Judi! Contact to claim your prizes.


Fall is in the air (literally) for us here in Kansas, and I got seriously bitten by the fashion bug this weekend.

Leggings and tunics and boot socks, oh my!

I spent the entire day Saturday at a local outlet mall—by myself—

Yeah, I can’t even finish that sentence it’s so beautiful.

By myself. That phrase deserves a sentence all its own. Actually, a whole line…

By myself.

Yeah, I think it needs caps lock, bold, italics, and an exclamation point.


[Overkill, lady. We get it.]

So, I walked around Legends Outlets in Kansas City…


And though I found some great deals and a few essential items to add to my wardrobe, there was nothing quite as detailed and beautiful as what I’m giving away today!

Fall Fashion Giveaway, Fingerless Gloves

Y’all, I loooooove handmade items. And since I have the crafting skills of a blind monkey with 8 fingers, the next best thing is to find a relative with amazing skills and to guilt her into making these items for me.

Enter:  my mom’s cousin Julie (you may have seen her around the blog as “Julia Jet Ski”). I think she’s my second cousin…or maybe my second cousin once removed or something. Apparently, I also stink at genealogy.

[And she wants to homeschool her children still? What will she teach them, exactly? Shopping?]

“Okay, kids, this is called a ‘final sale.’ That means that we need to make sure we reeeeeeally like this item if we want to buy it. Because there are NO returns on a final sale. And if we end up with a bunch of items we can’t return, then we’re forced to have a garage sale, and that is almost as much fun as learning your multiplication tables.”

“Okay, mom. But shouldn’t we learn our multiplication tables eventually? I mean, we are in high school now.”

“Shut up. I’m trying to figure out sales tax in my head. Kids, dig in my purse and find my calculator.”

I’m kidding, y’all. I don’t tell my kids to shut up.


Anyhow, my second cousin once removed and then added and removed again very lovingly made these gorgeous, fingerless gloves to my exact specifications. Look at the incredible detail on these things!


No, I did not choose this shade of deep purple nail polish to match the gloves, but how perfect was my timing on that? Sometimes I even amaze myself.

Since I “accidentally” sent her sooooo much yarn, Julie agreed to make me several pairs. And I’d love to give one adult pair and one toddler pair away to one of my awesome readers! So you, me, Averi and another toddler girl can all be twins!

Make that quads.

[Seriously, Katy, you should reconsider the homeschooling thing.]

I mean, you can’t find such detailed stuff like this in the stores nowadays. At least not where I shop (on the bargain rack at the outlet mall).


And do you know what is even more impressive than my distant cousin’s kitting skills? My hand modeling skills, that’s what.


Just look at the way I personify the “half-crazy, half-asleep minivan mom with a random, enormous arm in front of her face as if out of nowhere” look. Don’t laugh. This took years of sleepless nights to perfect.

Someone start a show called “America’s Next Top Mom Model,” and I am SO THERE.

And then there’s my “I am so bad at this but too tired to care” pose.


No kidding, hand modeling is not as easy as you might believe. Because just when you think you have perfected your “neutral” face, you realize that it’s essentially the same as your “take the stupid picture, HONEY” face.


And that just makes for some really awkward photos.

“Seriously, you can stop now.”


I personally know a hand model (true story), and she is absolutely, disgustingly stunning from head to toe. Which is really frustrating for those of us who sit at the nail salon staring at those 6-foot-tall hand posters and gleefully envision Shrek’s girlfriend attached to them.

Well, I’m here to tell you that they’re all beautiful. Even the hand models.

Life isn’t fair.

So, you might as well get yourself some fingerless gloves.

[What does that even mean? I’m not so sure that half-crazy thing wasn’t for real.]

If you’d like to enter to win this package with one adult and one toddler pair of gloves, please just answer the following question in the comment section below. (Note:  Your comments may take a few minutes to appear.)

“What’s your favorite fall wardrobe essential?”

Comfy boots? Leggings? Pumpkin Spice Latte-stained sweatshirts?

Fine print:  This post is 100% sponsored by Katy in a Corner. My second cousin (?) gifted me her time because I’m her favorite. Despite what my other cousins will post in the comment section below. To see more of her work, you can check out her Facebook page here. (Crap, Julie. You have a ton more Facebook likes than me!)
US residents only, please. See, Canada, how much it would benefit you guys if you just let us invade?
Comments will close on Tuesday at midnight Central time, and I will announce the winner on Wednesday!
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Showing 35 comments

  • Marsha Saysana

    My must have fall item has got to be my olive green skinny jeans. They go with everything!

  • Sarah

    Can I tell you how long I have wanted fingerless gloves? And those are GORGEOUS.

    My fall essential would be perfect comfy boots – which I don’t own and am still on the hunt for…

    I *believe* your mom’s first cousin is your first cousin once removed.

  • Jean Morgan

    Well Katie, I think my favorite fall outfit has to be my INDIANA UNIVERSITY red sweatshirt. I wear it especially around the Morgan family since they are all AVID Purdue fans. What else could I possibly wear??????

  • Myriah

    Sweaters and sweatshirts!!! I love them because it feels like I’m wearing a blanket all over without the awkwardness of a snuggie.

    The gloves are super cute! Plus, I really like it when Ramey and I match. Is that lame?

  • Amanda Woods

    Boots!!!! It’s still in the 80s here in Midland, TX, but I have gotten my boots out a couple of times!! And I cringe even typing this, but I do not own a pair if boot socks!!! It’s terrible tragedy, I know! 🙂

  • Brandie Reynolds

    My Grey Hoody is my most favorite item. Pair that with some denim jeans, Minnetonka boots……the only thing that would complete the love would be those fingerless gloves! Crossing finger!!!!!!!!!!

  • Shana Spears

    I live in Texas; we do not have (true) Autumn weather. With that said, I love wearing khaki pants with an Autumn colored long shirt or sweater.

  • LaLa

    Favorite fall item is a pair of calf-high, brown boots with about a 2-inch heel. Loved my last pair so much I wore them out and I’m currently in the market for new ones! All I could find last year were grey and black.
    I want these precious gloves. I have 3 girls that could fight over the little ones 🙂 🙂 Love to you from the Lingers in Monroe xxooo

  • Kay Williams

    I love the gloves!!!! Love them! You are right the detail is amazing. I would sport them around for sure! As a mom of 3 kids….. I would sill be able to have a grip on what I needed for them!! Love!

  • Pam

    Black boots! And my black jacket – that’s pretty much everyday.

  • Katy

    My favorite fall essential is my red cable knit sweater. It reminds me of trips to the apple orchard when I was growing up in northern IL. I have a 2 year old daughter who loves to dress like Mommy, so these gloves would make a great addition to our wardrobe 🙂

  • Jaimie Madsen

    My favorite fall essential is my favorite “ugly blue sweater”. I wear it with everything, even though it doesn’t always match! It is infamous in my family! LOL

  • Kathleen

    My favorite fall essential is my purple cable knit sweater that is as old my son! (25) It’s been repaired so many times but it is still holds on to live another season. Those fingerless gloves would be so perfect because I use a computer all day long in a very cold office and while my hands would stay warm, my fingers would be free to type. Love your blog and the inspiration and humor you share.

  • Hollow Tree Ventures

    I’m so sad – I just realized my fall wardrobe essentials are just my usual clothes with a hoodie sweatshirt over them. Some fingerless gloves would really spruce up my look, plus show off my fingers which (I don’t mean to brag) are still the same ring size as the day I was married. Which makes me wonder, if I wore my wedding dress every day like I do my wedding ring, would the rest of me still be the same size, too? New fall wardrobe essential: formal white gown.

  • Katie

    Those are absolutely gorgeous. I have not been able to score hand-knitted anything since my mom died, since I have zero follow through skills, and am incapable of finishing anything. I have a 3 year-old granddaughter who would look amazing in the toddler pair.

    My fall must-have are my cobalt blue skinny jeans. They go with everything I own and make me feel like a rock star.

  • Judi Miller

    Love my sweaters & boots!!! A free 20 seconds, that’s all I had 😉

  • Stephanie

    Love my sweaters! We haven’t quite hit fall weather here though.

  • Shawna B

    1. I love how you “talk to yourself” on the blog. (Even if you do end up homeschooling your children.)
    2. I love wearing slouchy dresses and leggings in the fall… I try to wear them year round but I do get funny looks. Oh well.

  • James

    I think we are going to have to discuss this favorite cousin once removed or whatever we are…..

    • Katy in a Corner

      Hey, “cousin,” when you start making pretty things for me to give away on my blog, then we can discuss it. 🙂

  • Rachel Fish

    My favorite wardrobe essential is scarves!
    Olivia and I would love to be your twins/quads! And we live close so we can actually all be seen together 🙂

  • Amy

    I looooove hoodies!!!!!! And gloves, of course. My toddler daughter too! 🙂

  • Carissa

    My new riding boots that I finally actually bought this year instead of waiting until December and then being screwed because they were all sold out of my size in every pair that wasn’t hideous like I have done for the last 3 years.

  • Katy's Mama

    My favorite fall wardrobe pieces would be the scarves my cousin Julie made for me!! She is a very talented lady!!

  • Julia Jet Ski

    Thank you all so much for all the compliments.
    Katy’s Mama…you and I got the “craft” talent genes in the family.

  • Susan

    I traded my sandels for my sassy fall boots! (Now I just need some fingerless gloves to match!)

  • gina

    My favorite fall clothing item this season is black faux leather leggings! Faux leather + leggings + elastic waist band = Devine answer to fashion prayers! Lol Gorgeous gloves!!

  • Elissa R

    Oh my Gosh! My Mom was an amazing knitter! She made the most beautiful headbands and dresses for Sofi. I’ll keep those forever to pass it down from generation to generation, it might seem silly, but is one of the few material things that I absolutely cherish, handmade things by my late mother.

    Your Aunt is very talented Katie! You and Averi are gonna look adorable! By the way I try to buy matching things with Sofi, my favorite is boots! She looks super adorable and they’re comfy enough for me to chase after her. Yay for fall!

  • Bekah

    I love my sweaters and boots, oh and a good hoodie! Your blog is so fun to read!!

  • Heather Schmitt

    My favorite fall essential? All of my UGA football wear! GO DAWGS! 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Heather, what has happened to our Dawgs this year? Hurts my heart to see them lose after all the hype. Ah, well. There’s always next year.

  • Michaela

    The gloves are adorable! My favorite fall essential is a chunky knit cardigan – my “granny sweaters”, as my husband likes to call them. Lol.

  • Shannon Walker

    My favorite fall essentials are sweatshirts and sweaters.

  • Carol

    I’m lovin’ my boots again:)

  • Deanna

    My favorite any-season wardrobe essential is shapewear, shapewear, shapewear. That said, brown is my favorite color and these fingerless gloves would my fingers free to shush my children (because we also don’t say “shut up” in our house…to our children anyway). Thanks for the opportunity.

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