March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

“Morganizing” the House (Genuine Fake Giveaway!)

Morganizing the House, Genuine Fake

I was on the phone with one of my best girlfriends several weeks ago when she asked why I sounded so “winded.” If I had been on my toes, I could have convinced her that I was on a stair climber. But in actuality, I was cleaning out my closet with the help of the world’s tiniest step stool. And I just didn’t have the stamina.

This is why I have the muscle tone of a jellyfish.

My friend jokingly told me to send on over any clothes I didn’t need or want any more. But I don’t think she was fully prepared for how many items that would actually entail.

She won’t need to shop for clothing for at least another year or two.

Since then, word has spread, and I’ve had several other friends shoot me messages like, “Heeeeeeey, here’s my address just in case you have anything else you want to pass along to a grateful friend.” And the truth is, I have an embarrassing collection of clothes, jewelry, shoes, handbags, home decor, craft and baby items that we no longer need or use. I sometimes get “attached” to stuff I don’t need simply because it was such a great deal or because I couldn’t part with it for $1 at a garage sale.

So, I decided to pull out the items I thought were most valuable and/or desirable and find a great home for them through Katy in a Corner! This is what my husband has cleverly coined as “Morganizing the House.”

In other words I’m giving you the opportunity to get some free, new (or gently used) stuff. I’m giving my husband the chance to get rid of things that he keeps tripping over in the basement. And I’m giving myself the chance to pass along things I like but no longer need or use to people who have provided me with a huge amount of prayer, support and laughter.


So, let’s start this party off with a designer(ish) bang!

On one of his many trips overseas, my hubby (an Air Force pilot) visited Incirlik, Turkey–the Eurasian epicenter of “genuine fake” designer products.

(If you’re writing a history book, please don’t quote me on the accuracy of that statement. Or any statement for that matter.)

Brian heard from many of his colleagues that a store called Pop’s Leather was the place to visit to get an affordable, leather flight jacket complete with all the bells and whistles that were not featured on his military-issue jacket. I don’t know what those “bells and whistles” are exactly, but I didn’t question it since I am the queen of picky when it comes to…well, pretty much everything.

Since he literally never buys things for himself, I encouraged Brian to go ahead and get a better flight jacket. And I’m not sure if it was guilt or generosity or a combination of the two, but Brian could NOT bring himself to leave there without something for me as well.

Enter:  A genuine, fake Coach diaper bag and matching wallet. (The leather is genuine, but the designer label is fake.)

I almost died. A $200 FAKE designer diaper bag? TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS? I hugged his neck, thanked him, and then told him to never do that again.

Because the last thing I need in my life is another bag.

Or pair of shoes.

(Let’s all pretend I didn’t buy three pairs at T.J.Maxx yesterday.)

Or plastic container.

Sadly, this great bag and wallet have never been used. So, with my husband’s blessing, I would LOVE to give it to someone who will use it!

Truthfully, because of the style and size, this bag could be used as a briefcase, an overnight bag, a makeup bag, etc. It does come complete with a satin changing pad and, as I mentioned, a matching wallet.

I’ll even throw in one of my books entitled “Multiple Streams of Motivation” that my husband trips over on a daily basis.

And I’ll include a thank you note from my husband for taking this “clutter” off our hands.

(If you listen closely, you can hear my dad’s wheels turning. “Pam, this is what we should do with all that crap in the storage house!” You’re welcome, mom.)


To enter this giveaway, just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post (posts on social media will not count as an entry):

“What is your favorite place to shop for clothing/accessories for yourself?”


One entry per person, please.
Winners will be announced Monday (March 18).
Please be sure to leave a valid email address when you enter! (I WILL NOT use your email for any purpose except to verify the winner.)

Giveaway 100% sponsored by Katy in a Corner thanks to the guilt/generosity of my husband.

P.S. – Stay tuned because I have LOTS of other items to “Morganize” including a GENUINE designer handbag, jewelry, Pottery Barn home decor items, and much more!

Update as of March 18, 2013:  Comments for this post have now been closed.

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  • Monica

    This is the most brilliant way to declutter!! Want to come help with my closets??? I’m not sure I even know where to buy things for myself anymore … Um, let’s say Target is fun (mini-vacay) and I’m an ebay nerd, there, I said it.

  • Kristen

    I am on Old Navy fan because they have a good selection for women whose legs are so long, normal sized jeans don’t fit.

  • Rachel

    Shop for myself?? What is that?? I didn’t know I was allowed to do that! But if I could, I would buy all my clothes at Maurices (I don’t know if they have stores everywhere but we have them here in NY…) because they are adorable, relatively inexpensive, and make me look somewhat put together (instead of like the frazzled, exhausted, pregnant mama of a toddler that I actually am).  Oh! And Target is awesome too because they have a good selection and are cheap, and they are one of the only places in the world that actually sells affordable maternity clothes!!

  • Christyn

    I LOVE Charming Charlies. It is cheapish since the one closest to me has a HUGE clearance area and they have super cute stuff.  I can actually afford to by myself a new purse, belt, wallet, hair bow thingy and shoes all at the same time… well sometimes. If I buy cute accessories it makes my old clothes look fancy hehe. I do what I can do.

  • Daniele Stokes Brown

    great idea!!

  • Phinesley

    My favorite place to shop for myself is Marks & Spencer.  So that tells you how long ago I shopped for myself!!  I have always been able to find great stuff there!! 
    Thanks for giving your Dad ideas about what to do with stuff in the storage house!!  We are cleaning this weekend.  I have a bunch of stuff I want to get rid of.  Do you want it for a give away?

  • Stephanie W

    My favorite place to shop for myself is The Loft. It was one of the few places that petite actually works on me!!

  • Jill Kemerer

    Too funny!! I have the bottom of a closet full of kids clothes I’ve been meaning to give to Goodwill. It’s scary in there! Maybe this weekend… Enter me in the ! My favorite place to shop? It used to be Marshall’s, but we moved and there aren’t any Marshall’s around here. So now it’s TJ Maxx (which is Marshall’s with a different name). Have a great weekend!

  • Marrissa

    Hi Katy! I have to say that my favorite place to shop (if I ever get the luxury of doing so…!) is anywhere with a sales rack! I also shop at local thrift stores! You can get some really great deals at them sometimes…I have found lots of things new with tags! Being a young mom of a toddler girl, (and pregnant with our second little girl!) all of my shopping sprees go to them 🙂 my email is

  • Ashyln

    TJ Maxx!!! I am right there with you!!!! Miss seeing you guys, sure hope you are doing well!!!

  • DesireeMcDougal

    DSW. Because I’m.obsessed with heels…that I.rarely wear but look fabulous In my tiny.closet. And im very frugal with spending money on myself. And they have such great clearance shoes in my size. On a side.note… I need a purse. I.dont own a single one and guess I’m just too cheap to spend even $20 on.something when it could be used for something my kids need or want.instead… lol. I’m that lady that puts stuff in her cart and always takes it.out to.replace it with something the kids want instead.

  • Kelley Statham

    Macy’s is my favorite!!!! I love going BY MYSELF too, yet it rarely happens. Ah, the joys of motherhood.

  • amy_421

    Shopping for myself? Ha. 🙂 But when I actually get the chance, I like Maurices. They have good sales plus a military discount!

  • MollyAnnBussler

    I love to shop at the GAP …but rarely get to. 😀

  • MollyAnnBussler

    I love to shop at the GAP …but rarely get to..with baby…he comes first. 😀   Email – meolemeATyahooDOTcom

  • pauline

    Shopping for myself is a thing of the past!! With my 2 kids if I do shop its usually old navy because they always have a coupon available and its a one stop shop for everyone 😉

  • elephtluvr

    Goodwill!!! My favorite! They just opened a brand spankin’ new one in Shawnee! Can’t wait to go out there~

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