March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Morganizing the House: Jewelry Edition (1 of 3)


In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a bit of a clothes horse. I love the look and feel of a well-tailored dress. I walk taller (literally) in a cute pair of platform heels. I search far and wide until I find the right accessories. I may or may not sniff a new handbag after I purchase it just to take in that “new bag” smell.

Don’t judge.

But, we’re also on a bit of a fixed income. We have two kids in diapers, my husband is in the military, and I’m a stay-at-home mom.

You can do the math.

Fortunately, we live a debt-free life (THANK YOU, Dave Ramsey!), so I have had the opportunity to slowly create the wardrobe I really want for myself—one that is stylish (in my unprofessional opinion), comfortable and affordable. I prefer to buy fewer, high-quality items that will last me for several years rather than cheap, trendy pieces that will fall apart after a few washes. So, I hunt for great sales and will usually splurge on one or two key pieces.

I will let you know that I own about 5,000 (give or take) different pairs of leggings, yoga pants, pajama pants, and t-shirts that I do not include as part of my dream wardrobe. Of course, these are my favorite items to wear, but I do take the opportunity to dress more fashionably when I’m leaving the house to go to church, dinner, or to the Emergency Room.

[Sometimes, I don’t know if she’s kidding or not.]

Okay, I know you guys don’t care to hear about how often or where I shop for clothing, but I did notice that many of you commented on this dress I wore on our anniversary back in May.


I LOVE this White House Black Market (WHBM) dress. It is one of my favorite items in my wardrobe right now. I wear it with or without a trendy, black jacket (from the same store). The belt you see is also from WHBM, but I don’t think it’s available online. It is, however, still available in the store because I just talked my friend Staci into buying the same one.

Because I always wanted to be a twin.

Also, the necklace I’m wearing in that photo is from the same store.

I’m like a walking billboard for WHBM. Except that they don’t know it, probably don’t care, and would likely ask me to stop if they knew.

[WHBM:  “Pleeeeeease, will someone stop that woman from comparing our fine clothing to her favorite pair of yoga pants? And why is she dressing up to go to the ER?”]

I told you all of that nonsense to tell you that my favorite dress is now on sale for $50.

I know!

End of story.

(No, this is not a sponsored post. Just a tip from a lover of bargains and quality clothing.)

Give-away Time:

Okay, now let’s get to the free stuff. I recently cleaned out my closet and came across some fun jewelry items I no longer wear.

I then decided to do the world’s cheesiest, headless photo shoot so I could model them for you.


I’ll give away three sets of items over the next few weeks, and this is set 1 of 3. It includes the necklace and bracelet you see above as well as this brown and pale blue, beaded necklace.


I call this collection:  “Bronzed Beauty.” Because I’m not. But it would probably look great on someone who is. But don’t worry if you’re not sporting a sun-kissed glow. I’m pretty sure it would look great on someone who, like me, has a bit more of an Irish tan.

Note:  The jacket and cami I’m wearing in these headless photos are also from WHBM. Just in case you’re curious.

[This is the most obnoxious non-sponsored, sponsored-sounding post I’ve ever read.]

Call me, WHBM. I will literally be waiting by the phone while I use it to take amazing selfies.


I’ve got two words for you:  Fashion. Icon.


To enter this giveaway, just answer the following question in the Comments section of this post (posts on social media will not count as an entry):

What is your favorite item(s) of clothing?

A favorite dress? A cute pair of sandals? A paper gown? (It’s a long story.)


Silver sandals also from—you guessed it—White House Black Market.

(Still not a sponsored post. I promise.)


One entry per person, please.
Winners will be announced tomorrow evening (July 3).

Giveaway 100% sponsored by Katy in a Corner, Fashion Icon and Paper Gown Connoisseur.

4/3/13 Update:

I’m extending the giveaway one more day since we’ve had a few issues with the blog. I will now announce the giveaway winner tomorrow, July 4!

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  • Beth Scheel

    What’s up with the description above next to your thumbnail photo?

  • Katy's Mama

    Am I exempt from entering?  I hope I don’t see any gifts I have given you on your “Give Away”!!!  These items would make great christmas gifts!  Something has happened to my keyboard.  The font is different.  Do you know how to get this off???
    Love you!

    • katyinacorner

      Katy’s MamaMama, you’ve been attacked by the italics bug. Now, don’t panic. It will just italicize everything you type from now until eternity. It’s like what happens when people type in all caps, AND YOU CAN’T HELP BUT THINK THEY’RE SCREAMING AT YOU. But, really, they just accidentally hit the caps lock and can’t figure out how to undo it. You’ve done the same thing. It’s cool, though. Everyone will just think you haven’t had your V8 today. Sooooo, maybe you should drink some V8 and see if it clears up the problem. Hope that helps! Love you!

  • Katy in a Corner

    OH NO!!! I have no idea, Beth. I think the Viagra monster has invaded my blog. I’m going to figure this out…

  • Elissa R

    Well if the WHBM don’t want to sponsor you, is their lost, because I think you are fashionable. I like fat sweaters, that’s how I call the long sleeve cardigans that cover all the unwanted weight you put up during the winter months. I own a wardrobe that can pretty much be a store, not because of the amount of clothes, but for the different sizes! I gain and lose weight like crazy! During the winter I could be Honey Boo Boo’s mom, and If I’m conscious and active (because I like to slack and watch TV, instead of exercising when my daughters goes to bed) I can drop an impressive amount of pounds. So I keep my wardrobe stacked with different sizes hahahahaha

  • beryltheperil

    my favorite is a soft well worn tshirt with Party Animal on it. It’s what I wear at home to be comfortable. For outside of the house I have a black and white patterned short skirt- it always looks smart!

    • katyinacorner

      beryltheperil NOTHING says party animal like a well-worn t-shirt. 😉

  • cnreinhart

    My favorite piece of clothing is a tee shirt I just bought from Kohls.  I’m all about cheap and this was.  But I like to dress up and by dress up I mean not just sweats and a tee shirt.  But I also like comfort so I want my nicer clothes to feel as comfy as sweats and a tee shirt.  So this tee shirt has a pattern to it so it’s fancier in my opinion, and I’ve even worn it to church.  In fact I’ve been wearing it at least once a week since I’ve bought it.  So it may only be  one season shirt but that’s OK since it was so cheap.

  • Kristen

    Got to be the yoga pants! They are comfy and I seem to get more attention from Ben when I’m wearing them. Go figure 🙂

  • jessica

    Favorite item of clothing (right now, atleast) are my neon yellow fleece capri shorts that I got on sale from Target for about $8.00. They are the comfiest shorts I have ever owned. I can’t wait to put these on after a long day at the office in not-so-comfy dress/casual attire.
    p.s. I too have a love for WHBM. I recently got a great 3/4 length sleeve blazer type jacker that can dress up just about anything 🙂

  • Amanda

    Right now I LOVE my maxi dresses, they are perfect for work and are so comfy!

  • HelenKerby

    I am loving my thin vests which I wear under anything sheer as otherwise my nipples and back flab are even more prominent! I have tons of vest and am convinced I would cause an accident if I dont wear them. I am in fact a heroine if I come to think of it. Yeah me!

  • Rachel Fish

    Oh I love your mother’s response! My favorite item of clothing is grey lounge pants that I put on as soon as I walk through the door! And, I have never heard of WHBM! Gasp! I know!

    • katyinacorner

      Rachel Fish DOUBLE GASP! 😉 We must go shopping…

  • imklvr

    Well, since I have recently lost my one hundred fifty second pound, I like anything that makes people go….Wow!  You’ve lost more weight!  When I was young, I could NEVER wear a straight skirt.  Now, a black straight skirt with a “snug” black and purple blouse makes me feel GOOD.  But if you show up unexpectedly, you’ll find me in my cotton, snap up robe.  And I won’t put on clothes just cuz you showed up, either!  Dona

    • katyinacorner

      imklvr Congrats on the weight loss, Dona! That’s amazing!

  • breanna

    I havr a maxi dress that is definitely my go to dress for those days that nothing fits or looks good. Its great to dress up or wear when I’m out running errands

  • Amanda

    My favorite clothing item is a hot pink pair of skinny jeans that I wear anytime I can think of an excuse to go out :).  And let me tell you that I make the jeans look even more fabulous when I drive my mommy van that may or may not smell like sour milk and dirty diapers.  🙂

    • katyinacorner

      @Amanda I just bought some pink skinny jeans this weekend! I’ll have to figure out what to wear with them. What do you wear with yours?

      • Amanda

        I have a pretty lace t-shirt that I wear with a colorful tank-top underneath if I want to dress it up, but I usually just wear a neutral colored t-shirt to tone down the brightness.  🙂

  • Ashley

    I believe I am exempt from entering but it’s ok I still love you 🙂 my favorite item of clothing are my Jessica Simpson shoes and of course my Louis Vuitton purses 🙂 this was a great post Katy!!! Xoxo

    • katyinacorner

      @Ashley Ash, you’re not excluded. Only immediate family. But I’m liable to grab some of your Louis Vuitton purses and do a designer giveaway. You can keep the Jessica Simpson shoes, though. I don’t know that my fellow moms of little ones would care to walk around on stilts all day. 🙂

  • Bad Parenting Moments

    My favorite item of clothing has to be a thin, black cotton coat with a ruched, rounded collar (stay with me) that I purchased several years ago. It goes with everything and covers the rumpular area…which often needs shielding.

  • carissa

    My favorite item of clothing is a black dress I got from H & M that looks like something Joan would wear on Mad Men. Wish I had more occasions to wear it.

  • Katie

    My favorite item is usually whatever is the newest thing in my closet. At the moment, it’s a really cute camo burnout t-shirt with bling on it that my husband gave me last night for our third anniversary. I like to dress up, but we live in the sticks and don’t have a lot of sidewalks, which makes walking in appropriate footwear an issue. So I tend to dress casually, but I do love me some accessories!

  • LeahMaxson

    I live in my Transformers decepticon t shirt. That jewelry would really complete my look! 🙂

  • DeannaMurphy

    Does shapewear count?  No?  Rats.  Okay then, I guess my favorite non-shapewear “clothing” item is my Rocket Dog flip flops.  I wear flip flops until there’s at least an inch of snow on the ground.  Perhaps a shiny necklace would keep people from noticing my bare toes in the fluffy snow…

  • Jenny

    My favorite piece of clothing right now has to be one of those poly-blend kimono-style dresses that can be found at certain department stores en masse in a variety of colors and patterns. This dress in particular was brought back as a souvenier from the FL Keys by my parents. It’s comfortable, it’s orange-y and my daddy picked it out just for me. What’s not to love?

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