March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers


I don’t know about y’all, but I feel like I’ve been through the ringer these past few months, and I’m now in the mood for some serious holiday fun!

And since the entire month of November is the sacred “give thanks via your Facebook status” month, I decided to do my own thing over here at Katy in a Corner and host a Thanksgiving give away. A Thanksgiveaway.

Oh, just laugh. I’m giving away free stuff.

When I’m not “working” on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, I’m hanging out on Etsy just thinking to myself, “Hey, I could make that! If I could learn to sew, knit, weld, or whittle.” But I don’t have time for such craftiness when there are so many sarcastic status updates that demand my attention.

You know, I even found Patty Kate‘s creator on Etsy. Her name is Erica, she lives in Florida, and she’s the crafting equivalent of a black belt. She’s the Mr. Miyagi of crafting.

And to further that analogy, I’m the crafting equivalent of the fly who gets caught in Mr. Miyagi’s chopsticks.

Seriously, if you need a fun Christmas gift idea for your kids, your grandkids or yourself (What? Doesn’t everyone buy themselves Christmas gifts?), go ahead and give Erica a shout. It’s such a fun experience!

And when your customized puppet arrives, you’ll rip open the box, take one look at this work of art and think to yourself, “Hmm…I didn’t realize my nose was that big until someone I don’t really know decided to make a puppet that looks like me.”

It’s a healing experience.

Today’s crafty giveaway comes from a talented woman named Jessica from Ohio.

She takes vintage silverware and hand stamps them with fun sayings and phrases.

I now present to you…

The Stuffing Spoon:  (pictured above)

and the Mashed Potato Spoon:

To enter to win these two clever serving pieces, simply answer the following question in the comment section below, on my Katy in a Corner Facebook page (not my personal page, please), or via Twitter. Here’s the question:

What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?

Seriously, that’s it.

Easy peasy Mr. Miyagi.

The totally random winner will be announced on tomorrow’s post. And to make sure you don’t miss the announcement, you may want to sign up using the “subscribe” area at the top right of this page.

This giveaway is 100% sponsored by Katy in a Corner.
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Showing 33 comments

  • IrishTigger1994

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition: the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  It just isn’t Thanksgiving without a bunch of B-list actors and random high school bands sharing the day with me (although I will admit that I have always been so jealous of the people who get to be in the parade).

  • Debbie

    The food of course.  Love turkey, love stuffing (my Mom’s way), love gravy, love cranberry sauce, love gravy, love pumpkin pie, love gravy, love apple pie, love gravy (I think I said that already).

    • katyinacorner

      Have you ever tried gravy on your apple pie? Do it. You won’t regret it. (I lied. You will most certainly regret it.)

  • Kristen

    For us, it’s definitely just spending time with each other – and when our families are too far away we always spend Thanksgiving with friends. Food is also a big part 🙂

  • Erica Abarbanell

    The Mr. Miyagi of crafting! That’s my best compliment EVER!!!!

  • Rachel

    We go around the table and say what we are thankful for, we go around a few times, the whole family! I love it!

  • Bootybella

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is slow roasting a turkey, making “riced” mashed potatoes for my dad (you mash them then put them through this ricer-thing – he swears they taste so much better!), stuffing, gravy, creamed corn, salad, fresh dinner rolls, homemade cranberry sauce, and a whole slew of other dishes!!! Before we dig in, each of us at the table has to say what we are thankful for this past year!

    • katyinacorner

      @Bootybella That is a very specific, involved technique for some mashed potatoes. And I’m impressed with you for tackling that laborious task. I hope he washes the dishes for you after all that work!

  • Erica Abarbanell

    (which totally makes up for your having called me “Jessica” later) LOL!

  • MrsBauce

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is bringing the turkey with my hubby. We are highschool sweethearts(and celebrating our first Thanksgiving this year with our daughter), and when we finally got married 3 years ago, we started brining. It’s a crazy, but fun process that entails making the brine on the stove, then letting the turkey take a nice long soak for about 18 hours. The best part is when we wake up in the middle of the night to flip the bird around 2-3 am(this year I’ll most likely be up feeding the baby anyways! Ha!) Takes us both. We are up, all groggy, taking the bird out of a gigantic stock pot that we essentially have to empty the fridge for it to fit in there. It always turns into some sort of giggle fest. Love it!

    • MrsBauce

      whoopsie! Brining**

  • Neelrak

    Turkey induced afternoon nap 🙂 -Karleen

  • Katy in a Corner


  • Katy in a Corner

    Changing it now…

  • Katy in a Corner

    Oh boy. I changed the link last minute and saw Jessica’s name right below it and…well. I don’t sleep much. THANK YOU for letting me know. 🙂

  • Erica Abarbanell

    I thought it was hilarious, and thanks so much for the great mention! Sorry about the nose, and also thank you for adjusting your own self image instead of complaining. If it’s of any comfort, I totally didn’t give you a big nose on purpose. It’s just that… well…. it’s a puppet. Your nose is by no means freakishly large.

  • Katy in a Corner

    Don’t be sorry about the nose! You know I’m just teasing. She’s EXACTLY what I wanted!

  • Marrissa

    My favorite is just the usual: eating too much and time spent with family. Then we decorate for Christmas!

  • Erica Abarbanell


  • ShanaSpears

    I love cooking for my family on Thanksgiving Day. While the turkey is baking, we watch the Macy’s Day Parade (and hope to see local high school marching bands).

  • Karmen

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is the 2nd meal. You know, just when you clean up and put everything away and you realize that the uncomfortable full feeling is gone and you mistake it for hunger and you pull everything back out and eat again. Ahh…that is Thanksgiving!

  • Katy

    One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions is one we just started last year. My daughter cuts out a large construction paper 4 for each family member and we write what we are thankful “four.” Not an original idea, but it is fun. Last year, my son was an infant, so my older daughter wrote his…she said Evan was thankful for Formula, Diapers and his big sister…

  • Kelley Statham

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is following my family around with a video camera, making them tell me what they are thankful for and then heckling them when they all start giving the same or inferior answers!
    Another involves a joke about looking for the gravy boat, finding it at the gravy dock….laughter ensues between me and mom, everyone else stares….

    • katyinacorner

      So doing that this year. Look out, family! Wax yer eyebrows because I’m bringing the camera!

  • betty

    Spending time with family and eating dressing….the more calories the better.

  • WhitneyG

    My mom comes to visit every year which is the BEST part ……she makes it feel like home which is rare with 9 moves in 7years!!!!!

  • DesireeMcDougal

    I cant wait for Thanksgiving.  Made from scratch crescent rolls from a recipe my mom always made every year when i was a kid.  Now my own family and extended family (McDougals and Halaszs)  look forward to my rolls now too.  I always have to double up on the amount cause man can they eat!!!

  • Jill

    2 words: broccoli casserole.
    it’s the ONLY time I eat or make it.
    go figure. 🙂

  • KateHall

    For me it’s being with family and eating all that food.  And unbuttoning the top button on my jeans, so I can fit that fourth helping of pumpkin pie.

    • katyinacorner

      @KateHall Buttons? Forget that mess… I’m going with elastic waistband!

  • SarahBourne

    My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is going to my Grandma’s house before anyone else gets there and “helping” her make homemade noodles. And I say “helping” because I don’t really help (I’d somehow burn the house down just using a rolling pin) but it’s our time to talk about life, God, family, and her advice. She’s lived such an amazing life and her relationship with God is incredible, so it’s always refreshing to talk with her. Plus, when she turns her back, I sneak some dough – and, let’s face it, the dough is the best part of anything. I love that she always knows, and it’s a little joke with us – she’ll give me a humorous look and I’ll deny doing it, while I have flour on my fingers and lips giving me away. I look forward to Thanksgiving for many reasons, but this is at the top 🙂

  • JillHill11

    am i too late for this? i thought i posted last night–but i am a blonde, so i probably just thought i did. 😉
    my fave tradition is getting out my little Publix pilgrim salt & pepper shakers. :)) 
    it’s the small things, people.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Awww…sorry, Jill, but I did announce the winner already. There will be plenty more giveaways to follow, though.

      Thanks so much for reading!

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