March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers
In Daily Post Posted

12 Things I’ve Learned about Professional Blogging

12 Things I've Learned about Professional Blogging

I don't know if I ever told y'all this, but Katy in a Corner is actually my third blogging venture. [Wow. So, third time's a…Dirty Dancing parody? That is just sad.] My first blog (or what I called an online journal at the time) went live in 2003 and was entitled, "Postcards from Leeds." It chronicled my year abroad as an ambassadorial scholar for the Rotary Foundation. I was a serious professional back when I was 22.

I've Got French Cuffs

You know what this photo says? "Look out, world. I've got French cuffs, and I know how to use them."
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In Give-Aways Posted

Blogiversary Giveaway Winners Announced!

On the first Blogiversary, my true love sent to me: A book for Ms. JuliaJetSki. On the second Blogiversary, my true love sent to me: A book for DeannaMurphy. And a book for Ms. Julia JetSki. On the third Blogiversary... I'm just kidding. I won't make you sit through all this nonsense. Though, I'm really tempted to do the entire song in video form. You should be really thankful I have no makeup on right now. That's all I'm saying. Here are the random winners of the 12 copies of my favorite parenting book, Shepherding a Child's Heart:
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In How-to, Video Posted

(VIDEO) How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half

How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half

Do y'all remember a few weeks ago when I was fussing on Facebook about potty training and how I should just write a book called, How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half?

Best seller in the making

Okay, well, it's finally happening. I can't believe it! All that time spent neglecting my children and focusing on my many, many personal talents has finally paid off. [Let me guess, you're finally joining the circus?] I have a book deal!
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In Daily Post, Give-Aways Posted

One Year Blogiversary (and a GIVEAWAY)

Happy Blogiversary!

On August 16, 2012, I sat down at the computer in our basement and began to type. I was in the throes of "single" parenthood while Brian was away on military business, and it seems I was starting to feel the pressure:

"I would venture to say that Martha Stewart’s sentence vacation in a federal prison was more like a Caribbean holiday compared to the trenches of motherhood."

Alllllllllrighty then. But then it got worse...
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In Daily Post Posted

Why Children Should Not be Allowed in Their Parents’ Bedroom

Why Children Should NOT be Allowed in Their Parents' Bedroom

This past Sunday night, while I was busy building my dream house (on Pinterest), I heard JJ scream from upstairs, "Ooooohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo!" And while many mothers would rush to the aid of their child—who is in obvious peril—I waited to see if whatever it was would resolve itself. I waited…and I waited…and then I heard an unidentifiable sound. It sounded like a jellyfish with fat thighs running in wind pants. But I was pretty sure that wasn't it. Not at 10 p.m. Jellyfish don't like to run at night. And then I heard, "Ooooohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo! Mama, what HAPPENED?"
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In Home Movies, Video Posted

1 Minute in the Car with 2 Toddlers

1 Minute in the Car with 2 Toddlers

I made two promises last week. One was a promise I made to myself that I will never again take a 16-hour road trip with two toddlers. Unless we move and I absolutely have to do it. And then I'll probably be in the back seat screaming the entire time. And then the kids can record me for a change. The second promise is that I would publish this video here today. But, before you view it, there are eight things you should know:
  1. No two clips are the same.
  2. I sent hours of this footage to Gitmo.
  3. These are the happier moments I captured. (I spared you the unhappy ones.)
  4. No children were harmed in the making of this video.
  5. Though, children may have been disciplined in the making of this video.
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