March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to Score a FREE Drink from Sonic!

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  • Staci

    What happened?????

    • Katy in a Corner

      Stupid lid wasn’t on. You should have seen the silent tantrum I threw in the parking lot. Just little bits of ice flying everywhere. It was a cold ride back to post.

      • Staci

        But they gave you a free drink?

        • Katy in a Corner

          Because the punk – I mean the sweet, untrained young boy – who brought it to me didn’t put the lid all the way on it! Sadly, this is the second time I’ve had to see the manager there. One more and I think they’ll ban me from the drive through.

  • LaLa

    wait wait….Katy Morgan eats at Sonic? The gal who hasn’t given her two-year-old any sugar yet??? Explain please.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Yes, yes. I do frequent Sonic. Usually for a Diet Coke with vanilla – especially during happy hour. Also, I’ve been known to order fries on occasion. JJ gets apple slices. One day he’s going to figure out I’m a fraud.

  • Holly

    I’m only a few months behind on your blog…catching up! I did that a few years ago when I was pregnant…with a Route 44 Fresh Fruit Strawberry Slush. It was the only thing I wanted. And I cried for 2 hours after it spilled. Stupid hormones. Stupid lids at Sonic!

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