March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

The Itch

The Itch

I’m not gonna lie; it was difficult for me to leave PetSmart on Sunday without a bearded dragon (last time it was a fancy rat). I’ve got the itch again, y’all. The itch for another living thing that requires constant care and nurturing. Brian thinks I should quit entertaining this reptilian fantasy and just have another baby already. I don’t know. Bearded dragons sound so much less terrifying than toddlers. And they’re way better at peekaboo.

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Showing 3 comments

  • Beth @ Sawdust and Embryos

    UGH… ME TOO! I’ve been yearning for a bunny or a kitten… something snuggly. Then it hit me that this MUST be baby-fever. Second round of IVF this spring, so hopefully things will work and I won’t have to have a litter box in my house ever again.

  • The Famous Ashley Grant

    I’m totally feeling a similar itch. I’m currently pet and kid free and I think 2014 will have to be the year this changes. I’ll start with a fur baby though before jumping into parenthood. Still too scared to try having a baby. Too many things on my pre-baby bucket list before I can head down that path…

  • Laura

    You’re not alone on that one! Every cute, small, furry animal I see I want to take home. Even the imaginary one’s like Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon. I want one. It would be easier getting a baby passed James than another pet though. He actually wants another baby, but doesn’t want to share the bed with another cat. For some reason, he thinks two is enough…

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