March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

My Parents Stink

Is that the dirty laundry that stinks?


…it’s my parents who stink.

My first birthday came and went yesterday (October 16th) without a single post on Facebook. No special blog post. No shout-out tweet. Not a card. Not a present. No acknowledgement of any kind. Except for lots of extra kisses and hugs…and a few tears while they told me about the day I was born.

What kind of crap is that?

Also, they made me eat peas.

Cold ones.

Straight out of the fridge.

They’re sooooo going to hear about this forever…

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  • Robyn

    Happy Birthday Sweet Averi!!

  • Beth

    At least her Auntie Bethie called her and wished her a Happy Birthday!! I love my Averi!!! Xoxoxo

    • Katy in a Corner

      We’ll continue to tell her that family is way more important than presents or cake. And she’ll one day roll her eyes and say, “Whatever, mom!” I can’t wait for those teenage years…

  • Pam

    Averi, I guess Mama & Daddy will just have to make up for that at your Birthday Party. I would think a huge cake, lots of toys, & some cool clothes are in order!! Happy Birthday Averi!! Love you!!

    • Katy in a Corner

      We’ll just pretend like her party two weeks from now will be on her actual birthday.

  • Cyndi

    Happy (belated) Birthday sweet Averi! So sorry your first birthday was more like a re-enactment of Molly Ringwald’s birthday in “Sixteen Candles” – a milestone with zero fanfare. I am sure your second birthday will be much more eventful. I love you!

  • LaLa

    Dear Averi, don’t worry! Libby & Maggie have experienced similar birthdays. Their parents usually tell them the party “is” the gift. The gift is you are still living here for free circa-Bill Cosby or something like that. Happy Birthday precious girl! You are very loved and that is the best gift 😉

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