March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

What She’s Thinking

Maybe one day, when she’s finally able to speak in complete sentences, Averi will tell us what she’s thinking in this photo.

What She's Thinking

But, if I know my girl as well as I think I do, my guess would be this:

“Move over, losers, I found me a defenseless animal to torment.”

Kidding. I bet it’s more like this:

“Mom’s busy messing with her iPhone, so Imma make a run for it!”

That seems more legit. Or this:

“Don’t peek, JJ. Just keep your eyes closed and your head on the driveway, and everything will be fine. TRUST ME.”

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  • Dona

    Or: “I’m the happiest girl in the world! Got a great bike, a cool mom and dad, and a beautiful day! Yep, don’t get any better than this!” At least that’s what her FACE says. The brain is another thing. Dona

  • Kim

    I think she is thinking how blissfully happy she is, she looks like she feels like she has all of the freedom in the world, and I imagine she will have the same look on her face when she drives the first time!

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