I really would love to be one of those people who comes home from a trip, unpacks my suitcase(s) the moment I step foot in the door, throws a load of laundry in the washer before I've even taken off my shoes, and then creates a scrapbook or photo album entitled "Summer Family Photo Album" before the memories have faded.
If you know me or have read this blog for more than a week, you know good and well that just isn't me.
Not even close.
But this past summer was one of the best summers of my life. Maybe the best. Despite the screaming and tantrums, the sleepless nights, the potty training failures, and my miserable attempts at motherhood, I can look back through my thousands of photos from our summer and know that I am blessed far beyond what I expected. And certainly beyond what I have earned. This has been a summer full of grace...in so many ways.
Let's start here:
I’ve had this dream of being a professional actress ever since the time in middle school when my brother hit me in the face, and I used my eyeshadow to “enhance” (i.e. create) a black eye. You know, so I could better illustrate how much Drew’s actions hurt me. So, the eyeshadow was a kind […]
I forget myself sometimes. It happens every time I attend a live theatre performance. Especially on Broadway. I forget that I’m a wife. I forget that I’m a mother. I forget that I actually drive a minivan. I forget that I can’t move to New York and work in a restaurant the rest of my […]