As Brian and I sat in our home office yesterday afternoon with our oldest whining about something (probably about the TV) and our little one running around like a screaming banshee, my poor husband attempted to tell me the same sentence a few times—only to lose his concentration (or mine) in the throes of chaos. He finally blurted out, "We need a date night!"
And he was sooooo right.
In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a bit of a clothes horse. I love the look and feel of a well-tailored dress. I walk taller (literally) in a cute pair of platform heels. I search far and wide until I find the right accessories. I may or may not sniff a new handbag after I […]
When the afternoon begins with a professional hair and makeup artist and a photographer at the front door, you know it’s going to be a fun day. It all began yesterday at noon when über talented hair and makeup artist Mandy McKenna showed up with her 100 pound magic kit.
It’s been such an exciting week over here in my little “corner” of the web. I went to a few parties, even. (Cough) Twitter parties. (Cough) Okay, I lied. I didn’t even go to those. I’m still not 100% sure what they even are to be honest. But, I thought it would be fun to […]
As you may have already gathered, my husband is in the military — the Air Force to be exact. But we currently live on an Army Post in Leavenworth, Kansas. Yup. THAT Leavenworth. I knew nothing about Leavenworth when we moved here except that they had some prisons — both a federal one and the […]
I know I’ve mentioned before that we party like rock stars on our weekly date night, but it never ceases to amaze me how relaxing a trip to Chipotle, Target, Barnes & Noble, or the proctologist can be when no children are FREAKING OUT in your ear because they ran out of milk. (Did she just […]
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by my bladder and not the company mentioned below or by Apple. But hey, Apple, if you want to sponsor this nonsense, by all means get in touch. Date night has changed since we had kids. Before JJ was born in 2010, Brian and I went to concerts, ate expensive […]