Well, it's that time of year again. The time when the weather FINALLY drops into the 70's, and I get to sit in front of the fireplace and eat Chicken Tortilla Soup while I listen to Christmas music.
"It's the moooooost wonderful tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. Of the yeaaaaaaaaar!"
I have zero patience. I want to go from Labor Day swimming pool closures to ice skating rinks. Except I hate to ice skate. So, scratch that.
I want to go from shopping for bathing suits…never mind.
Basically, I want to curl up on my sofa wearing my leg warmers while I eat a steaming bowl of Chicken Tortilla Soup and talk about my feelings over the faint sounds of Bing Crosby's White Christmas on constant loop.
I'm basically every man's worst nightmare.
Since we had a pretty traumatic Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year, I was excited to celebrate Easter Sunday with a newfound appreciation for the significance of the cross and the empty tomb. Lately, I have spent a great deal of time in the Word, and it has TRANSFORMED the way I view the events of […]