(This post and giveaway are sponsored by NatureBox. All stories and opinions are my own.) As a mother of two toddlers, I have learned to accept the fact that we will rarely venture out of our home without some sort of meltdown. Either we'll skip Averi's afternoon nap, and she'll repay us with a Toddlers in Tiaras-worthy hissy fit, or JJ will wake up too early that morning and decide to do that whole-body limp thing every time we try to get him to walk. And since he's a 3-year-old man-baby and weighs almost as much as I do, this is probably a fun scene for complete strangers to witness.
[Why can't that woman control her teenage boy? And WHY is he wearing a diaper?]
Okay, he's not that big.
In all the years I've been blogging and using social media, I've learned several ways to engage readers and get a conversation started:
One is to talk about politics.
I don't really do that any more. Because I very much dislike it when my blood reaches a boiling point.
Another is to talk about faith.
I do do that. Because I can't separate my faith from the rest of me. So, either I talk about it, or I can't talk at all.
[Yes, please. I vote for the latter.]And another is to talk about food.
Because I don't know a single person who doesn't love to talk about, look at, post a photo of, or gobble up some delicious food. And, yes, I include those who pretend like they've never posted a photo of a froufrou dessert on social media. It's okay to admit it. We've all done it.
[No, I've never done that. It's stupid.]
This past Wednesday—the day we drove from Georgia back to Kansas—was probably the longest day I have experienced since I labored 22 hours with JJ. Except for the day three weeks ago when we went from Kansas to Georgia. Both of those road trips were much like giving birth. Long, laborious, loud, and painful. Only […]
As I walked alone through the produce department of my local grocery store (as SLOWLY as possible…because, I repeat, I was ALONE), I just barely heard something from the bottom of my purse whistling The Andy Griffith Show theme song. No tune could better describe the person on the other end of that ringtone, and […]
It’s been such an exciting week over here in my little “corner” of the web. I went to a few parties, even. (Cough) Twitter parties. (Cough) Okay, I lied. I didn’t even go to those. I’m still not 100% sure what they even are to be honest. But, I thought it would be fun to […]
Sometimes I think I’m still on the fence about this whole idea of homeschooling our kids (now 2 1/2 and 1). I KNOW it’s what I want to do, I just don’t know if I’m cut out for it. Here’s why:
This is, God willing, the first of many in a series called “How-to Tuesday.” And since this is a mommy blog, and I’m pretty much an expert mother, I thought it was appropriate to give the first instructional video the title “How to be a Perfect Mother” – from someone who knows. “(Nobody Puts) Katy […]