Corn, Cow Pies & Cops
Remember a few weeks ago when I said I would never again take a road trip while our kids are toddlers? Remember that? Remember how I said I'd rather rip off my toenails with a crowbar?

Yeah. I lied. Actually, I didn't lie. I just forgot that we planned this Labor Day weekend trip to my in-laws' farm house in Indiana. So, last Thursday morning—around (ahem) noon—we piled in the car, set Blues Clues on constant loop, and made the 10-hour trek to the Hoosier State.

Yeah. I lied. Actually, I didn't lie. I just forgot that we planned this Labor Day weekend trip to my in-laws' farm house in Indiana. So, last Thursday morning—around (ahem) noon—we piled in the car, set Blues Clues on constant loop, and made the 10-hour trek to the Hoosier State.