If you've ever seen the film(s) Paranormal Activity, the following post will probably run through your mind as you try to fall back asleep tomorrow at 3 a.m., and you'll say, "I hate you, Katy in a Corner, for reminding me of this! And, oh great. Now I'm thinking about Katy standing in the corner of my room, and I'm even MORE freaked out!" And I'll just laugh and laugh because I "saw" Paranormal Activity on my parents' TV with ten fingers in front of my face, without my glasses on, and singing "LALALALALALA" at the top of my lungs. And the only thing I could tell you about that film is that the painting that hangs on my parents' wall close to their TV is really beautiful. Why? Because I'm not an idiot, that's why.
I don't watch scary movies because I don't want to be reminded of them every time I have to use the facilities at 4 a.m.
Remember a few weeks ago when I said I would never again take a road trip while our kids are toddlers? Remember that? Remember how I said I'd rather rip off my toenails with a crowbar? Yeah. I lied.
Actually, I didn't lie. I just forgot that we planned this Labor Day weekend trip to my in-laws' farm house in Indiana. So, last Thursday morning—around (ahem) noon—we piled in the car, set Blues Clues on constant loop, and made the 10-hour trek to the Hoosier State.
I don't know if I ever told y'all this, but Katy in a Corner is actually my third blogging venture.
[Wow. So, third time's a…Dirty Dancing parody? That is just sad.]
My first blog (or what I called an online journal at the time) went live in 2003 and was entitled, "Postcards from Leeds." It chronicled my year abroad as an ambassadorial scholar for the Rotary Foundation. I was a serious professional back when I was 22.
You know what this photo says? "Look out, world. I've got French cuffs, and I know how to use them."
This past Sunday night, while I was busy building my dream house (on Pinterest), I heard JJ scream from upstairs, "Ooooohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo!"
And while many mothers would rush to the aid of their child—who is in obvious peril—I waited to see if whatever it was would resolve itself. I waited…and I waited…and then I heard an unidentifiable sound.
It sounded like a jellyfish with fat thighs running in wind pants.
But I was pretty sure that wasn't it. Not at 10 p.m. Jellyfish don't like to run at night.
And then I heard, "Ooooohhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo! Mama, what HAPPENED?"
Don’t even pretend you didn’t miss me last week because I know it isn’t true. You have literally been waiting by the computer for days to see if I had fun on my family vacation. Haven’t you? Anyone? Helloooooooo? [Maybe if we’ll ignore her, she’ll get over herself.] Well, since you asked, I did have […]
One of the many things I love about this blog is that it gives me the chance to interact and laugh with so many other parents who have either been through the phase of life I’m in or can remember it like it was yesterday. I can’t possibly describe how much it means when I […]
I’m just going to be really honest and tell you that motherhood kicked my butt this week. Hard. We didn’t really experience the “Terrible Twos” with JJ, but we have officially entered the “Tyrannical Threes.” It seems that meltdowns are the norm rather than the exception, and this entire week has been a battle of […]
Let’s talk about baby weight for a minute, shall we? I’m not talking about the kind we all carry around for varying lengths of time after childbirth. No, I’m talking about the kind of baby weight that pediatricians like to refer to in percentiles. That stuff that helps us determine where our kids rank in […]
In case you’re wondering where I’ve been this week, I present to you this photo series to give you an idea. Basically, Brian has had a week full of 14-hour work days, so I’ve been busy as a referee, nursemaid, and the exhausted person who finds herself screaming things like, “Please don’t jump on the […]
Well, since we seem to have a “crime and punishment” theme going on this week, I thought I’d publish the photo below for your viewing pleasure and for my parents’ inevitable disappointment in my parenting skills. I have 4 observations.