In all the years I've been blogging and using social media, I've learned several ways to engage readers and get a conversation started:
One is to talk about politics.
I don't really do that any more. Because I very much dislike it when my blood reaches a boiling point.
Another is to talk about faith.
do do that. Because I can't separate my faith from the rest of me. So, either I talk about it, or I can't talk at all.
[Yes, please. I vote for the latter.]
And another is to talk about food.
Because I don't know a single person who doesn't love to talk about, look at, post a photo of, or gobble up some delicious food. And, yes, I include those who pretend like they've never posted a photo of a froufrou dessert on social media. It's okay to admit it. We've all done it.
[No, I've never done that. It's stupid.]