Do y'all remember a few weeks ago when I was fussing on Facebook about potty training and how I should just write a book called, How to Potty Train in a Year and a Half?
Okay, well, it's finally happening. I can't believe it!
All that time spent neglecting my children and focusing on my many, many personal talents has finally paid off.
[Let me guess, you're finally joining the circus?]
I have a book deal!
I made two promises last week. One was a promise I made to myself that I will never again take a 16-hour road trip with two toddlers. Unless we move and I absolutely have to do it. And then I'll probably be in the back seat screaming the entire time. And then the kids can record me for a change.
The second promise is that I would publish this video here today. But, before you view it, there are eight things you should know:
No two clips are the same.
I sent hours of this footage to Gitmo.
These are the happier moments I captured. (I spared you the unhappy ones.)
No children were harmed in the making of this video.
Though, children may have been disciplined in the making of this video.
I bet if neurologists did even the most cursory study of my brain functionality—specifically my long- and short-term memory—they would find that I’m only slightly better off than Ozzy Osbourne. Though, probably for different reasons. I blame my dad’s genes for my awful memory. But I’m not so sure that Ozzy even remembers who or […]
I couldn’t pull myself away from the computer last night as I read article after article about the senseless bombings that occurred in Boston. I can’t imagine the gore, the terror, the agony and the panic that those people and their families must have experienced. My heart is so heavy…
I just can’t get motivated to write a blog about the vlog I made about how to get motivated to vlog and/or blog. So, I’ll have to ask you to just enjoy this short vlog instead of a blog. Because I’m a slob. (That was a stretch.)
I have three more Facebook features to introduce to Marky Mark Zuckerberg (here are the first two), and I’m curious to know how many of you think #5 is a social media necessity. There are very few (if any) things in the online world I desire more than a Facebook dislike button. The passive-aggressive in […]
I can’t even begin to count the number of times WebMD has recommended that I visit the emergency room. It probably numbers in the thousands. I mean, I could count to a couple thousand, but I don’t really have the energy.
Thursday is the new Tuesday here at Katy in a Corner. I’m giving y’all a How-to Tuesday on a Thursday just to keep you on your toes and coming back for more every day. Also because I’m stuck at home all sick with nothing else to do. Unless you count watching the kids watch TV […]
Have you ever wondered why Facebook isn’t more mom-friendly? Probably because it was created by a kid whose own mother was still doing his laundry. Well, there are some things I “dislike” (get it?) about Facebook, and I decided to air out my grievances for you via this here vloggy thing.