March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Dramatic Reading of Search Engine Phrases

When was the last time you typed something into a search engine and then thought to yourself, “What happens to this information?” I’m guessing…never. But did you know that every time you search a word or phrase, the owner of the site you click on after that search will know about it? Not only will they know that you found them through a search engine, they’ll know EXACTLY what you typed to find them.

Doesn’t this make you want to start punctuating?

So, I get these search engine reports every day, and they just make me laugh every time. Because why did someone type “funny questions to ask your future daughter in law [sic]” and “kaity poop pis [sic]” into a search engine and find my site? Is my content really that obscure that it draws this sort of diversity?


Instead of just giving you the cold, boring list straight from my Google Analytics page, I decided to do a dramatic reading of some of my favorite search phrases that led people to

Please note that if you are one of the people who searched and found me this way – and if you’re still hanging around – I definitely want to know about it! I’ve never been more serious.

And don’t call me Shirley.

Note to my friends who let their kids watch my videos:  I say the words “breasts” and “foreplay.” So unless you want a different kind of home school lesson today, you might want to watch it without them.

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Showing 2 comments

  • Phinesley

    That is so funny!!

  • KateHall

    OMG. What are people looking for??? I can only hope that some of those are from auto-correct. And bear dung? Where is that post? I wanna read it.

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