March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Facebook Features for Moms

Have you ever wondered why Facebook isn’t more mom-friendly?

Probably because it was created by a kid whose own mother was still doing his laundry.

Well, there are some things I “dislike” (get it?) about Facebook, and I decided to air out my grievances for you via this here vloggy thing.

Since Mark Zuc…Zucker-something is way too important to talk to me, I decided to go for the “open letter” format. Which is basically a letter (or a video in this case) to someone more important than me who doesn’t care what I have to say. So, it’s really like a diary entry that other people can read and comment on as well. Statistically, I think “open letters” are effective in 1 out of every 3.6 million cases.

I don’t remember where that statistic came from, but it’s 101% accurate.

(Part 2 coming next week!)

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  • Rachel Seaton Fish

    Hilarious! As always!

  • Paige Nelson Teusink

    You crack me up!!

  • SarahBourne

    Love this! Can’t wait to see part 2!

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