March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to be a Perfect Mother

This is, God willing, the first of many in a series called “How-to Tuesday.” And since this is a mommy blog, and I’m pretty much an expert mother, I thought it was appropriate to give the first instructional video the title “How to be a Perfect Mother” – from someone who knows.

“(Nobody Puts) Katy in a Corner” theme song provided by our buddy Matt Garwood. He’s WICKED good at coming up with original songs. Check him out if you have theme song envy.

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  • Amber


  • Kylie

    Highly entertaining and I don’t even have kids yet. πŸ˜‰

  • Myriah

    Laughed so hard my cheeks hurt!!

  • Staci Barham

    We all loved it. The kids thought JJ and Averi were the best…they all laughed hysterically when you “cried.” I guess I need to work on sympathy in my children! The 3 points were very helpful. I’ll make sure to try to REASON with Jordan today. I’ll let you now how it goes!

  • Lucy Bussau

    Hi Katy
    I love your mommy blog how to be a perfect mother. I laughed from start to finish. Your so funny and talented at your blogging.
    A very good actress. You look Amazing. JJ and Averi were great. Miss you all so much.
    say hi to JJ and Averi for me. Lucy x

  • G-Man

    Glad to see that you are implementing all that you learned from your parents. Especially that part about reasoning with your children at such an early age. That will pay huge dividends down the road. (Riiiiigggghhhttt.) I do have one question though, WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO HOTDOGS?!?!?

    Love the video.

  • susan

    LOL!!! i can’t wait for more how to’s!!

  • Sherry Duncan

    Love it, Katy! I am simply amazed by the wisdom you have accumulated in your 2 1/2 years of motherhood….. Thanks for sharing! smile..

  • Angela Shelton (@angelashelton)

    Hilarious. See what happens when you ask how-to questions? You start a blog and a VLOG!

  • Pam

    Throwing myself on the floor and having a tantrum with you seemed to cure you! Might want to try that next time! Not sure you will read this in any of your parenting books!
    Love you!

  • One Funny Motha

    I personally liked # 3 the best. I think my mom gave the same advice. If I didn’t live in the house with her, I never would have believed my mom actually raised kids.

  • Janel

    Awesome!! I so needed a laugh today πŸ™‚

  • Laura Clark

    Laughed so hard I was crying! Oh how I miss you Katy!

  • Krystal

    Loved it! I’m dying laughing too!!!

  • Jen @ Four Marrs & One Venus

    Oh my Gosh! I loved this… you are Awesome- rocked these socks off over here girl! Loved it! Your song at the end is BOMB!!

  • Celina

    Brilliant!! – πŸ™‚

  • Kathleen Zackery

    This was great and actually, those How-To-Tips were not some of the ones I found effective however, I say if it is working for you, as it apparently looks like it is, I say, “GO FOR IT!” Great Video and I can hardly wait for next Tuesday!

  • Beth

    Haha that is so funny!

  • Holly

    Bwahaha! Milk in the wrong cup. We SOOOO had that meltdown at our house this week. I’m glad to know you were able to reason with him. I’ll have to give that one a shot, mid-melt down next time πŸ™‚ Thanks for keeping it real!

  • Linda Burkhalter

    Katy, you are too funny. Love, love, love it!!!!

  • Barb

    Love it Katy…you are tooo funny! Looking forward to next Tuesday!!!

  • Heather Schmitt

    I cannot tell you how hilarious this is. Actually, yes I can. It is so hilarious that I woke my daughter up from her nap, I was laughing so hard. So thanks for that. Thanks for being so hilarious that my daughter cannot sleep. If she doesn’t get into Harvard, I’ll know why.

    (This should be on your list … 5. Blame your shortcomings–and your child’s–on someone else.)

  • Sara

    This is the first time I have even heard of you but you are now my new guily pleasure! I haven’t laughed like that in a long time. You are amazingly funny. Keep it up!!!

  • Heather

    Love it!!!

  • kelly canoles

    LOl!!! too funny!! Keep ’em coming. ps love the GA Bulldog on the chair

  • Carol Brown

    Absolutely hilarious!

  • kjc1521

    You definitely brightened my day! I have watched it 3rimes already and can’t wait for the sequel! (I always loved watching you perform!).

  • tcohoe

    I have a sil who seroiusly tries to reason with the baby so that one had me howling. Hilarious stuff. New follower, visting from House TalkN. πŸ™‚

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thanks for the visit! Hope to have you back. πŸ˜‰

  • LaLa

    THOROUGHLY enjoyed that. I thought you were going to say “push, push, push your kids right off of the shopping cart until they do a face-plant”…oops, did I say that out loud?

  • Angie Walker

    Visiting from House Talkn, and am now your newest fan. Can’t wait to see what comes next. My best parenting advice is: give’em a dose of benadryll so they can have a peaceful sleep. In reality it is a dose of “Shut the heck up”! I’m sure to win Mother of the Year with that one!

    • Angie Walker

      Katy I just read your post about how you do not like cuss words (from your1st post I think), I’m sorry about my comment (that swear word in there). I will be more thoughful to you and others next time.

      • Katy in a Corner

        No worries, Angie! I cleaned it up for you. πŸ˜‰ Thanks so much for the visit, and I’d love to have you back!

  • Robyn

    Now that I’m back in civilization I am catching up on a little light reading … on your blog. Too hilarious! It’s good to see that the piano lessons are paying off and the kids have been using your yoga studio to perfect their downward dogs. Love you!

  • Kim

    Just discovered you and I’m in love! Wrong cup!!! Love it!! Go Dawgs! I knew you were good people.

    • Katy in a Corner

      How ’bout them Dawgs! Okay, probably a bad week to mention that. Hope we can recover against Kentucky! Thanks for the visit, and Gooooooo Dawgs!

  • Anne Kimball

    Hi Katy, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm ( visiting from Finding the Funny.

    Oh. My God. This was hilarious. I just demanded that everyone I know on FB (and that’s a lot, b/c I’m, you know, a pretty big deal). I’ll be back!!!!

    Anyway, it’s nice to “meet” you. I hope you can pop over to my blog and say hi sometime if you get the chance.

  • Kate Hall

    Came by from Finding the Funny. I wish I could act like that! I’m WAY to self-conscious. Very funny! “Great” advice!

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  • […] Katy in a Corner is hilarious! Her You Tube video on how to be the perfect mom has been all over Facebook, but if you happened to miss it you have to watch it. It will be the perfect video to start out your Mother’s Day. You can watch it while you work out that morning, ha! […]

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