March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How-to Tuesday: How to be the Perfect Wife

Welcome back to another How-to Tuesday! (Tuesday has officially become my favorite day.)

As you’ll see in today’s video, we decided to step things up a notch. We went and bought ourselves one of those teeny tiny cameras so small we can even spy on ourselves. So, what you’re about to witness is a real, honest glimpse into our everyday lives.

No acting. No tomfoolery. Just a perfect wife in action. (*Clears throat)

Honestly, folks, this may have to be a multi-part series. There is just too much material here.

Please leave a comment below with some of your “perfect wife” phrases. Men, post carefully if your wife also reads this blog. You’ve been forewarned.

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Showing 23 comments

  • Heather Schmitt

    This post might just be my favorite yet. Because I can TOTALLY relate–my husband hears me say those exact phrases ALL. THE. TIME. It’s nice to know that someone else feels I’m the perfect wife … it gets tiring being the only person shouting THAT tidbit of information from the rooftops!

    Oh, how about this one: Honey, of COURSE I do not mind that you just destroyed the kitchen that took me two hours to clean. All for that little piece of toast.

    • Katy in a Corner

      See, I just let Brian do the cooking AND the cleaning. Because I’m perfect like that.

  • Rachel

    Lol… I laughed so hard. Love it!

  • Matt Lingerfelt

    Seriously?! Every time I watch/read any of your posts I truly am laughing out loud and it is usually while sitting at my desk. People just look at me and wonder who is that weird guy laughing at himself? Then I get to explain the blog and videos… Keep’em coming!!

  • LetMeStartBySaying (@LetMeStart)

    Girl, you’re my kind of crazy. Thanks for the shout-out. 😉

    • Katy in a Corner

      Us crazies have to stick together, yo! “Did you ever know that you’re my hero…”

  • Katie Terry

    I just have to tell you I have read every blog and watched every video. I have even turned the ladies I work with on to your website. You have no idea how big you are becoming. 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Katie, you just made my day. Seriously. 🙂

  • Betty Walls

    Thank you for that advice, Katy. That was really funny 🙂

  • Robyn

    First, let me congratulate you on being able to work the word “tomfoolery” into a blog. Second, I laughed my head off about being lost. Third, I fell out of my chair watching the out-takes! Yes, I love Tuesdays 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Are you kidding me? Our next kid will be named Tomfoolery.

  • Kerry Rossow (@HouseTalkN)

    “But, not too tired!” I died. I loved the outtakes!

  • Jill C.

    I couldn’t listen to this video on my laptop last night because my husband was watching the Monday Night Football game everyone was talking about yesterday–that’s how perfect I am! I didn’t watch, and get some much needed laughs, because I was allowing him to watch a game he already knew the outcome of! Thanks for the laughs–they were worth waiting for. I wrote those phrases down so I can pursue your level of perfection. 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Practice, practice, practice, Jill. That’s all it takes. Well, that and the patience of Mother Teresa. I appreciate your persistence and that you watched it later! 🙂

  • Amanda Woods

    I just so happened to stumble upon your blog via Facebook and I’m hooked! It was the “Perfect Wife” post. This morning, my husband got called into work at 2:30 a.m. and didn’t get home until 7ish. He got in the shower and got back into bed then started rubbing up on me…. Let me make myself very clear: I am NOT a morning person! In fact I wish mornings didn’t exist. I’d like to wake up between 10 and 11 every day and then I’d wake up happy. Anyway… our 16 month old woke up around 8 and dear hubby was kind enough to get her out of bed, change her diaper then dump her on my head while she pulled my hair and yelled, “MAMA!!!” in my ear for 7 minutes while I pretended to be asleep. So I finally get up and the hubs so sweetly asks me to 1. make coffee 2. make some bacon, eggs, and toast, 3. give him a back massage. On my way to make coffee, and put dirty diaper in diaper pail, he calls me in for that back massage. Then during the massage asks if I’ve made coffee yet… Also, he tells me he will not be attending the birthday party we were invited to at 10 a.m. After the small argument we had, he tells me not to worry about breakfast, but I was making it dangit, if it was the last thing I did! So as the bacon is cooking and the coffee is brewing, and baby is snaking on some grapes, he tells me “Don’t worry about it… I’m not hungry right now, I’ll probably just go back to bed…” I can’t wait to try some of these “perfect wife” sayings on him. 🙂

  • Margo


  • Jill Kemerer

    Katy, you made my day. Too hilarious!! I’m so perfect I add, “Yes, I would be honored to help you carry that 7 ton sofa down the basement.” 🙂

  • sparkling74

    NO way was that your husband driving because a man could NEVER be silent while you did all that talking! THat was awesome!

    • Katy in a Corner

      I’ll be honest. Some of them took a few takes. Silly man can’t keep his mouth shut when he hears all that perfection coming out of my mouth.

  • Bridgette

    That was hilarious!! Seriously loved it! Found your blog from Finding the Funny on My Life and Kids, and now I’m off to check out more of your posts. 🙂

  • Amy

    Absolutely hilarious!

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