March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to Find the Perfect Babysitter

Reader’s Digest version of the events that led to the creation of this How-to Tuesday post:

1) Hubby and I need a babysitter to look after the kiddos once or twice a week.

2) I find a great candidate online and ask her to come over for an interview.

3) My friend Staci mentions that she needs a sitter as well.

4) Staci and I decide to ask the potential sitter if we can tag-team interview her. She agrees.

5) Sitter comes over for interview with six children and two rather loud women. She laughs nervously. A lot. But she cheerfully writes some future babysitting dates on her calendar.

7) Staci and I high-five each other for the tag-team interview success.

8) I get an email the next day. Sitter has found another job. In 12 hours.

9) We are back to square one.

It occurred to me later that the whole tag-team idea may have been a bit intimidating. So, I opted for another method: webcam interview. This couldn’t possibly be intimidating. The sitter is in the comfort of her own home, and we still have a chance to chat “face to face.” What could possibly go wrong?

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  • Laura @ UrbanMayberry

    LOLOLOL!!!!!! I love it!!!!! I love that you asked questions we would actually want to ask but don’t!!! Oh, and the To Do list in the back??? Hilarious!!!!!!!! You are so talented!!!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thanks so much, Laura! I’m glad you could read it. Sidewalk chalk isn’t the best for writing on a board like that. Trying to improvise here. 🙂 Thanks for watching!

  • Robyn

    Snorting coffee out my nose while watching this! Hilarious! Yep, Tuesdays are definitely my favorite.

  • Chris

    I can’t stop laughing!!! The best part I think was “Sorry it’s my parole officer” hahaha. And I agree with Laura they are questions we all want to ask but don’t.

  • Lauren Schieffer

    Oh my gosh, Katie! I had no idea you were so funny! Now, I’m hooked.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Lauren, you spent an entire WEEK in the car with me, and you didn’t know I was funny? That’s not good. 🙂 Ha! So great to hear from you, and thanks for reading/watching!

  • Holly

    Hahaha! Seriously…..did your previous employer require you to scrub toilets? Because no matter what you answer to the other questions, if the answer is yes….you’re in! My house is a disaster right now!

    • Katy in a Corner

      I KNOW! Toilets are the worst. I would never survive in prison. If they do, in fact, make you clean toilets there. I just assumed. I don’t know from personal experience. I’ll stop right there.

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  • […] Like the Puritans.Two kids later and we’re scraping for every moment of free time we can get. Fortunately, we have a babysitter who, although she has a full-time job, agrees to give us that much needed time together once a week. We’re still on the hunt for a daytime babysitter who can save me the embarrassment of grocery shopping with children. But that’s not going so well… […]

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