March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to Get Out of Thanksgiving Dish Duty

Will it totally blow your mind if I publish a “How-to Tuesday” video on a Monday?

Because I’m feeling like shaking things up around here.

So, here it is. The latest How-to, and it’s all about how to get out of the absolute worst Thanksgiving chore:  dish duty.

I feel like such a daredevil.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll publish something serious and TOTALLY blow your minds.

Somebody stop me. It’s getting craaaaazy up in heuh!

Also, I may part my hair on the other side.

And eat some unhealthy, dark meat on Thursday.

Whut WHUT?!?!?

(Daddy, those aren’t grammatical errors you see. In lieu of my traditional English training, I have decided to use slang. I’ll go ahead and consider myself stricken from the Christmas list this year.)

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  • Rita Sheloff

    HA! HA! I just signed up for the Fake-A-Call app on my iphone!! LOVE IT!

  • Katy in a Corner

    Oh I love our Canadian neighbors and their intensity! But isn’t a day in the emergency room just as bad as washing dishes? Eh. Maybe not.

  • Katy in a Corner

    Nothing says relaxation like sitting at a child-free spa with an electric knife hanging from your nearly severed limb. “Would you like a cuppa with your pain meds, love?”

  • Katy in a Corner

    See? This is why I should avoid electric knives this Thanksgiving. Also, dishes. You just made my point.

  • Kelleysbreakroom

    This was so hilarious!! I am including it in my “Finding the Funny” post today. 🙂

  • KateHall

    Katy, you are so funny. I love, love, love your vlogs! I’m off to catch up on the rest!

  • AnnounceIt

    We have a rule at our house that the cook always gets a free pass from dish duty. Love the ideas!

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