March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to Win the Election – Roseanne

This is my fourth and final interview in the series called “How to Win the Election.”

Here, I’m with grassroots candidate Roseanne Barr. Unfortunately, her busy schedule couldn’t allow her to weed out other engagements just to fit us in, so we conducted this interview over the phone.

Still, I believe it was one of the best. I certainly gained the most from this interview, and I assume you will as well.

Just watch this and tell me your mind isn’t changed…

(Disclaimer:  Unless you want to explain Roseanne Barr to your children, you may want to hide in the bathroom to watch this one alone.)

PS – If you haven’t yet seen them, you may want to watch the prequels:

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  • KateHall

    OMG. that was hilarious! Now I have to go and catch up on the prequels!

    • katyinacorner

      @KateHall Thanks so much, Kate! You know how you write a post and then you can hear crickets chirping all day? That’s what today was like. 🙂 Thanks for the comment! PS – Love your blog!

      • KateHall

        @katyinacorner I know EXACTLY what you mean.  That’s why I do the memes, so somebody at least feels obligated to comment on my stuff.

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