March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to Win the Election – The Obamas (Part 2)

This week’s How-to Tuesday is a wrap-up of my time with both the Obamas and the Romneys where I counseled them on how to woo mom voters in America.

And as we head into tonight’s Presidential debate, I’ll watch with bated breath to make sure both candidates took my advice to heart.

And if Mitt Romney even thinks about mentioning Costco, so help me…

Seriously, though, if Mitt Romney mentions Costco in tonight’s debate, I will give $50 to one random person who comments below.

And if President Obama mentions foot rubs, I will give away $100 to one random commenter below.

No, I am not kidding.

Thank you all for making this election season fun for me! Because, without this outlet, I’d probably freak out and move to Canada.

Previous Videos:

In case you missed the first Obama counseling session, you can find it here.

And here is my interview with the Romneys.

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Showing 7 comments

  • Susan

    This one made me laugh out loud.

  • Melissa

    Jeez I’m so glad I watched this… thought the debate was tomorrow night! lol. Hilarious video as always!!! Wouldn’t expect anything less at this point πŸ™‚

  • Alecia M.

    I heard a very famous pizza place would give free pizza for life if someone would ask “sausage or pepperoni?” Lol

  • Debbie McClung

    So I was thinking of painting half Obama’s face and half Romney’s face on a pumpkin. But now I’m thinking it would be easier to paint “Foot Rubs at Costco” and I’d laugh whenever I saw it. Thanks.

  • Lisa R

    Great videos! Watched all 3

  • Katy in a Corner

    I think the worst part of the debate was when Michelle and Ann came out at the end in the SAME dress (practically). Awk-ward! Sad no one mentioned foot rubs or Costco, though. That would have been epic!

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