March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to Win the Election – The Romneys

Well, friends, last week you got to see my interview with the Obama family. And what a successful(ish) session that was. We still have some things to work on, but I feel the President and First Lady both made some real progress in our time together.

Since I am both fair AND balanced, I offered my political counseling services to the other two viable candidates — both Mitt Romney and Roseanne Barr.

First, I sat down with Governor Romney and his wife Ann at their New Hampshire vacation home situated on Lake Winnipesaukee. We laughed, we sipped orange juice, and I got them to air out some of their “dirty laundry.”

Take a look:

Disclaimer:  If you don’t want your kids to ask, “Mommy, what does it mean to ‘smoke pot’?” you might not want to view this in front of them. Though I don’t condone it by any means, it’s mentioned in the video.

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  • Bob DeFilippis

    Another home run, Katy!

    • Katy in a Corner

      You’re one of my favorite blog visitors. 🙂

  • Melissa Bunn Keeton

    It’s not working for me…nor is the Obama one. I can hear the background music. but not your voices

  • Katy in a Corner

    Grrrrrr…so frustrating! If you don’t mind me asking, how do you view it? Are you watching through my blog or through YouTube? Also, did you try on a phone or a computer? THANK YOU so much for letting me know! I think it’s a quirk with YouTube and certain devices…

  • Melissa Bunn Keeton

    Via your blog and on a computer. I will try youtube…..

  • Katy in a Corner

    Ok. Have you tried the Romney one again recently? I re-uploaded it the way YouTube told me to do it — I may just have to find another place to host it…

  • Melissa Bunn Keeton

    Via Youtube directly, neither one works for me. Using google Chrome web browser.

  • Melissa Bunn Keeton

    It pulled right up on my Samsung Galaxy droid though! 🙂 Hooray! At least I can catch up…I missed the Obama ones completely!

  • Katy in a Corner

    This is just downright puzzling, Melissa! But THANK YOU so much for the info!

  • Shawna

    Speaking of laundry… I really need a “how to do laundry the RIGHT way” Tuesday.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Great idea! But this may not be a great week for me to start it since I washed at least 5 Kleenex, a paper towel, and a ton of glitter.

  • KateHall

    This whole series is absolutely hilarious! You are so good at this!!!

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