March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to get Motivated to Vlog/Blog

I just can’t get motivated to write a blog about the vlog I made about how to get motivated to vlog and/or blog.

So, I’ll have to ask you to just enjoy this short vlog instead of a blog. Because I’m a slob.

(That was a stretch.)

Someone please come get the Raisinets out from in front of my face.

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Showing 8 comments

  • Twinkie31

    I’m cracking up right now, and my kids are looking at me like what’s wrong with you.

  • Lala

    oh my, I love you Katy.  Rasinets are my favorite junk-er– athleisure food!!  Keep em comin.  Miss you!  LaLa

  • ChristyB

    <<chuckle, snort….>>lol…love that color on you, by the way. (-;

  • Ashley T

    Thank you for making my day!!! I know I can ALWAYS count on you for a good laugh!!! Sooo you better not ever stop! I guess I will just have to send you Raisinets to keep you going lol!! Love you xoxo 🙂

  • Karmen

    So laughed out loud! My new ski jacket came with the optional thumb hole thingymajig and I found it to be both “Hey look at me, I’m so youngish!” and yet also, “Dangit, I can’t see my watch!” at the same time. Now, I know it is better used for blogging. Thanks for sharing your funny.

  • Allison HoH

    Girl, you are freaking hilarious! I’m a new fan!

  • Myriah

    Somehow, I missed watching this one when it came out.  Laughed my way through the whole thing!  Love you girl, and glad you’re back at it!!

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  • […] I forget that I’m a wife. I forget that I’m a mother. I forget that I actually drive a minivan. I forget that I can’t move to New York and work in a restaurant the rest of my life as I try to “make it.” I forget that the only “character” I play lately is that of a mom blogger hopped up on coffee and Raisinets. […]

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