March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Perfect Foods = Perfect Kids (VIDEO!)

Perfect Foods = Perfect Kids

In all the years I’ve been blogging and using social media, I’ve learned several ways to engage readers and get a conversation started:

One is to talk about politics.

I don’t really do that any more. Because I very much dislike it when my blood reaches a boiling point.

Another is to talk about faith.

I do do that. Because I can’t separate my faith from the rest of me. So, either I talk about it, or I can’t talk at all.

[Yes, please. I vote for the latter.]

And another is to talk about food.

Because I don’t know a single person who doesn’t love to talk about, look at, post a photo of, or gobble up some delicious food. And, yes, I include those who pretend like they’ve never posted a photo of a froufrou dessert on social media. It’s okay to admit it. We’ve all done it.

[No, I’ve never done that. It’s stupid.]

Well, color me stupid. Because I get really excited about food. Especially food that is good for my family and tastes great. Unlike the Spaghetti with Spinach, Garlic, and Lemon recipe that’s floating around on Pinterest. Y’all, I made it for dinner last night, and it was nasty. NAS-TY! Maybe it was my lack of skill and not the recipe, but we ate a few bites before we called it off and just ate leftover buffalo chicken pizza instead.

So much for my healthy dinner attempt.

Seriously, I’m a big, walking Pinterest fail. So, I guess that’s why I’m so excited to share this video with you today:

I’m not even kidding. You have to try the Peanut Butter Nom Noms. Have to. Or the Blueberry Nom Noms. Or the Big Island Pineapple. Or the Mango Almond Bites. Or the Santa Fe Corn Stix (I dare you to not eat the entire bag in one sitting). Or everything. All the things. Eat them all.

And since the people at NatureBox are so cool, they have agreed to give Katy in a Corner readers a special offer:

50% off your first month’s order with NatureBox when you put in the oh-so-narcissistic code “KATY.” 

What I love about NatureBox is that they stand by their snacks.

“Stand by your Man…go Almond Bites…”

[She just gets cheesier every single day.]

If you aren’t happy with your order, they’ll give you your money back. And you’re free to cancel your monthly subscription at any time. And they send their awesome snacks to your door.

Pants or no pants.

Okay, I’ll stop talking about not wearing pants now.

But, wait. I do have to say first that I don’t consider yoga pants to be pants. Because they’re just pajama pants to me. Which…I guess still falls into the “pants” category. Okay, so you’re right. I’ll stop telling people I don’t wear pants now. Because I do.

I just made it worse, didn’t I?

Fine print:  Promotional code is good for 50% off any of our 3 box sizes. Valid only on the 1st month’s box. New customers only. Not valid on gift subscriptions and may not be combined with any other offers.

This is a sponsored post. I was compensated for my time with money and delicious snacks (nom nom noooooom!). All opinions are my own.

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  • Kat

    So that’s where it went wrong, I didn’t wear pants!!

  • Heather at Mommy Loves Martinis

    Love your videos. I always smile pretty much through the entire thing. 🙂 PS. I’m pretty sure Nature Box can go ahead and fire their entire marketing team – because you’ve already done all the work for them for their 2014 campaigns. “Nature Box. Delivered to you so that YOU don’t have to wear pants.”

    • Katy in a Corner

      Heather, I’d be happy if they would even get me in on creative meetings. Conference calls, maybe. I doubt they’ll ask me to appear in person. Since there is some uncertainty about the whole yoga pants thing. If they promise Nom Noms, though, I’ll appear in a prom dress! As long as I can wear my yoga pants under that.

  • Anna @ My Life and Kids

    Yup – off to check out Nature Box now because PANTS and PERFECT KIDS!! If you recommend it, I’m going to try it!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Yeah, we’re still working on the perfect kids part of it, but I have noticed a definite improvement in my own attitude when I’m sitting in a corner of my closet eating all the Nom Noms where no one can find me.

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