March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to be the Perfect Grandparent (Part 2)

How to be the Perfect Grandparent (Part 2)

As promised, here is part 2 of my ground-breaking series:  “How to be the Perfect Grandparent.”

If you missed part 1, you can find it here.

So, please leave a comment if you’re a perfect grandparent. Or if you have a perfect grandparent. Or if your parents make parenting your own children somewhat difficult because they are the “perfect” grandparents. (*Cough*)

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  • GMan

    post. Here are my tips for being the “perfect grandparent.”
    (1.) Make
    bath time fun. Fill the tub and just let them have at it. It’s only water and
    that’s what wet/dry vacs are for. (2.) Be positive. The word “no”
    should not be used when their little ears are around. (3.) Teach them the
    benefits of physical exercise. Don’t have a trampoline? Beds make a fine
    substitute. Don’t have a pool? See #1 above. (4.) Teach them the value of the
    arts – music, painting, etc. Buy them a drum set or cymbals. Parents love to
    see their little ones learning to play musical instruments. Also, get them some
    of those washable markers that can be used on any canvas such as a blank wall
    in the house. Nothing stretches their creative minds like a little
    Those are
    just a few things from a very long list of what we can do to be “perfect

    • katyinacorner

      @GMan You were certainly at the forefront of my mind while I created this non-exhaustive list.
      PS – I’m still cleaning bubbles off the bathroom ceiling.
      PSS – I’ll send you the dental bill when one of my kids cracks a tooth on a headboard.

  • imklvr

    Wonderful advice!  I’m doing my best to follow it, especially the parenting advice!  Because this truly is a grandparents chance to make up for their own mistakes as parents!! (hehe) Thanks so much!

  • Katy's Mama

    I guess I missed the 2nd installment of your perfect grandparent video!  Drew asked me if I had seen it and what did I think.  After watching it I have to assume you were being sarcastic.  Because when G-Man and I are caring for your children without you we are given a very strict list of rules:  Give them nothing that taste good, especially sugar. Refer to the list of words we are not allowed to say in front of them.  Like bomb or explosion.No TV!  That is an easy one to follow at your house since there isn’t one.And whatever we do give Averi anything she wants so she doesn’t throw up on us!!!I guess following YOUR rules and NOT your video will disqualify us as Grandparents of the Year!
    We will need to work on that one.
    Love you!

    • Katy in a Corner

      You don’t read my posts THE MOMENT I publish them?!?!?!?

  • Grammy Goodwill

    Oh, my goodness. I have just found these videos and have been sending them to my daughter, the mother of my grandchildren. You are so funny. Keep them coming.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thank you so much, Grammy Goodwill! Great name, by the way. 🙂

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