March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to be the Perfect Labor & Delivery Coach

(I originally posted this last Labor Day, and it still gets me all fired up.)

No more feeling hopeless and helpless during one of the most important supporting roles of your life as a labor & delivery coach. Watch this video and learn how to shine as a birthing coach!

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  • G-Man

    Question, can you substitute Cheetohs for Doritos and CZ for Diamonds? If so, does that make you less than a perfect L&D coach? Funny video. Brought back many memories.

  • Ashley Williams Martin

    As a lady giving birth for the first time in just a few weeks, and having just finished birth classes… This was HILARIOUS!!

  • Robyn

    Sorry I’m sooo far behind reading, but I’m loving How To Tuesdays!!

    • Katy in a Corner

      It’s my new favorite day. 🙂 So glad you’re interacting. It felt lonely without you! xx

  • Shana

    I could see your mother asking you a random question like the one you mentioned – while you are in labor! lol

  • Terri

    Too funny…. Do you mind if I share this at work? I’m sure all the girls will love it.

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