March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

BlogHer ’13 Networking Tips for Professional Bloggers

I had the incredible opportunity to team up with Anna Luther from My Life and Kids and Kerry Rossow from HouseTalkN to bring you a career-ending vlog entitled “Networking Tips for Professional Bloggers.”

Wait…no. I meant career-broadening.

Dang you, Sigmund Freud.

And to celebrate this ingenious piece of professionalishness, Anna, Kerry and I decided to turn this into a link par-tay.

BlogHer '13 BlogHop

(Sorry, mom. I didn’t send formal invitations. Yes, you raised me better. No, I didn’t make petit fours.)

If you have a BlogHer ’13 recap post, feel free to link up and share them below!
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Showing 7 comments

  • Cyndi Hinesley

    That was hysterical!

    • katyinacorner

      @Cyndi Hinesley Thanks! We had a blast!!!

  • WrinkledMommy

    I didn’t  make it to BlogHer “technically”, so can’t link up anything – but I did get a chance to watch your video a couple days ago and it was really funny. I love all the “tips”.

    • katyinacorner

      WrinkledMommy Thanks so much!!! We had a blast. I’m so glad we took time out of that busy conference to act like complete morons in front of a video camera. It always pays off. 🙂

  • Robyn

    I want to know who the poor woman was who you forced to awkwardly share a chair with you?? Bless her heart!

    • katyinacorner

      @Robyn She was SUCH a trooper. Her name is Amy, and her blog is I’m pretty sure she wanted to curl up in that chair and have a good cry after we were done with that video. Poor woman.

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