March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

I Love NYC

No photo sums up our weekend trip to New York City better than this one:



Loved our first weekend away with just the two of us since the kiddos were born.

Loved that we could leave our babies in very capable hands.


And we knew it would be filled with fun…


…and plenty of exercise.


We knew they would spend plenty of time outside…


…and that they would be exposed to the world’s most boring game. (Yawn.)


Later this week I will tell you all about our behind-the-scenes tour of Wicked, the show itself and some of my favorite restaurants.

But I will need another day or two to recover…


…from this delicious Veal Parmesan the size of me.


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  • mustloveleftovers

    Oh. My. Gosh.  That meal looks to die for.  Great pictures.  For a split second, I thought your sweet daughter’s shirt caption said “crap” but after a second look, I see that it is ciao.  But it made me giggle.  Glad you had fun.  Looking forward to hearing about the show!  And another video, perhaps?  You’re giving me hope that maybe a trip with my hubs isn’t that far out of the realm of possibility.  Thanks!!  🙂

    • katyinacorner

      mustloveleftovers Crap and ciao are interchangeable in our house. (Yeah, I don’t know what that means either.)
      We had a ball this weekend! We discussed trying to run off together every six months or so—even if we just go somewhere more local where the meals aren’t $150 each. Oh, but it was so much fun!

  • Judi Lynn Sutton-Miller

    SO, SO, SO happy you all had a wonderful weekend full of LOVE!! 😉

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