March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Book Give-Away Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone for the social media love – on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Please “like” me or “follow” me if you haven’t already (that just felt creepy) because there are lots of other prizes to give away in the weeks and months to come!

The very first give-away is a copy of my book “Multiple Streams of Motivation,” and we chose TEN winners using a completely random number generator my adorably nerdy husband came up with.

The winners are:

1)  Elizabeth Anne Jones
2)  Leigh Futch
3)  Shelley Stuckey Tanner
4)  Nicole Yarian Morris
5)  Whitney Canale Gentry
6)  Denise Hand Heintschel
7)  Brandon Thompson
8)  Billy R. Dillard Jr.
9)  Trisha Sybesma Roe
10)  Debbie Cole

Winners, please email me at info (at) KatyInACorner (dot) com or via social media and give me your physical address. I promise not to drop by unexpectedly. Unless you live somewhere cool, and then it’s a possibility. Also, I like croissants and Starbucks coffee for breakfast. And bamboo sheets. Thanks.

Congrats again, and THANK YOU for visiting Katy in a Corner!

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  • themorgantrail

    Testing testing

  • themorgantrail


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