March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Giveaway Friday x2

Update:  Monday, October 1, 2012

And the winner of the Mobi GloMate and the copy of my book that they may or may not choose to re-gift to their third cousin is…

Kendra “Such a great blog! My Avery would love that (we just PCS to Oceanside CA so she has had lots of changes). Mobi are great products we have and love their video baby monitor. My husband is active duty USMC. Thanks for the laughs and honesty in your blogs!”

Congratulations, Kendra! Please contact me here to claim your prizes!


Happy Friday, everyone! I sure hope your week has been as productive and fun-filled as mine. I’m pretty sure I wore makeup AT LEAST once this week.

Yes, I remember now. It was on Wednesday (date night). We went to Target to buy baby food and chalk. And then to Barnes & Noble to return something.

Kids, it doesn’t get any wilder than this.

Buck. Wild.

Okay, since you guys have rocked my socks off for the past month and a half with all the love and encouragement, I decided to work on your behalf to get you some fun, free goodies.

Happy fall, y’all!

But first…

Someone Find Me A Soap Box, Please

Let’s get something straight. I am reeeeeeeally turned off by sites that are so heavily advertised and all “sell, sell, sell” when all I want to do is read about the chicken salad they ate for lunch. Let’s get to the meat, people.

Horrible, horrible pun.

I am very deliberate about whom I choose to advertise here on Katy in a Corner. Soooo picky, in fact, that no one actually advertises here yet. Not for pay, anyhow. I’m a fantastic businesswoman. (Nope.)

I do occasionally remind you that our stupid-talented (not to be confused with stupid, talented) friend, Matt Garwood, created my original song featured on all my videos. But he doesn’t pay me to say that. In fact, I think he probably leans more toward, “Hey, I’m okay if you don’t mention to anyone that you know me. Ever.” But I’ma drive him crazy with compliments anyhow. (He’s all, “PLEASE don’t!”)

(WHEN will she get to the free stuff?)

Wait! You guys got me all off track. Let’s talk about some free stuff!

I called/emailed about a dozen of my favorite people/companies that have a product/service that I currently use and that I thought you guys would love as well. (Have you ever seen a sentence with so many of these/those?)

In my calls/emails, I said something that resembles the following:

Hi! I’m a super-sassy mommy blogger who wants to give away your awesome product to one or more of my readers. I already own and love your product, so literally all you have to do is send it directly to the random winner from my blog. Let me know when you decide this is the best idea anyone ever had.

Surprisingly, some ignored me altogether (I’ll remember that come Christmastime, you Scrooges).

Some very kindly rejected me in a “Dear Juanita” kind of letter.

BUT, there were some amazing ones who came through with the free goodies, and I CAN’T WAIT to give them away!

So, without further adieu, here is the first ever Katy in a Corner Friday Giveaway!

No, I’m not giving the child away. Not this week.

Do you see that glowing thing in the bed next to that kid who’s too old to still use a paci? This is what our son refers to as his “Glow Fan.” I don’t know how that happened.

It’s actually called a GloMate, and it’s made by Mobi Technologies. I first saw this at my friend Elisabeth’s house, and I went right out and bought one. And when our daughter was born, this was one of the first things we got for her room. So, we have two of them. We LOVE these.

Basically, it’s a nightlight that charges on a base during the day and moves around the room at night. Well, we move it around the room. It doesn’t move involuntarily. That would be horrifying.

We move it from their bed after they fall asleep, to the changing table in the middle of the night, to the bathroom to make a bottle, etc. I love it because it has 4 color settings:  blue (for when you want to inject some major light on the situation), green (for when you’re feeling…green), red (for when you want to see without messing up your stealth, night vision), and rainbow (for when you need to hypnotize your kids).

JJ’s bedtime routine involved several choreographed clicks through the colors on his “Glow Fan.” Averi likes to put the entire head of her “Glow Fan” in her mouth and crawl around like Godzilla. (However, I don’t recommend that you allow your child to do this. It’s just, plain irresponsible.)

Honestly, I would use this thing even if we didn’t have kids because it doesn’t bother my eyes the way traditional nightlights do when I’m stumbling to the refrigerat– I mean, the bathroom at 3 a.m.

Anyhow, the nice people at Mobi agreed to give one of these cool things to one of my readers!

And, because I’m feeling spunky, I’ll throw in a copy of my book to the winner as well!

I’ll even sign it — unless you want to re-gift it. And then just let me know in your comment below.

See? Horrible businessperson.

Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I got a package in the mail a few days after I finalized the giveaway stuff with Mobi. As I mentioned earlier, we agreed that they would send the product directly to the winner. However, they sent me a GloMate as a sample. Which is GREAT because I now have Christmas sorted out for my brother and sister-in-law. ‘Cause I’m generous like that.

How to Enter

  • All you need to do to enter is leave a comment below. That’s it. Seriously, a monkey could do it. But it would be nice if your comment said more than something a monkey would say. However, that is not a requirement.
  • This giveaway begins September 28 and ends Sunday, September 30 at 11:59 p.m. CDT.
  • I’ll announce the winner on Monday morning after I’ve had my coffee and am somewhat alert…so 10ish?
  • One entry per person, please. Don’t be a goon.
  • Sorry, but you can’t enter if you’re related to me, not a legal, U.S. resident, not 18 or older, and not human. Listen, I don’t make the rules. Write your Congressperson. Or your own government.

Thanks for reading and, in all seriousness, these giveaways are just my way of saying thank you so much for your encouragement!

The fact that I now don’t have to shop for my brother’s Christmas gift is just a bonus.


Legal Crap
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. The Promotion is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States, and the District of Columbia (excluding Puerto Rico and all other U.S. territories) who are eighteen (18) years of age or older.
I was provided a GloMate that will in turn be re-gifted to my brother for Christmas. Not because I don’t love it. Because I do. And I love him. This post reflects my views and opinions and was not reviewed or edited by a third party. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” — even though this is technically not an advertisement. Just covering my bases, here. If you’re still reading this, you must be a lawyer.
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Showing 42 comments

  • Robyn

    Hilarious! I can just picture Averi wandering the house with a glow mate in her mouth. Does a step-mother-in-law count as a “relative”??

    • Katy in a Corner

      I don’t know, Robyn. Do you feel related to me? (LOADED QUESTION.)

  • Sarah

    I started reading your blog about a week ago and I love it! You’re hilarious and make me smile 🙂

  • Shea

    Love it! I read all the way to the end. Hubby is a JAG. 🙂

  • Jessica

    My son is five and wants one of these in the hopes that one night when “the monster who changes and steals his toys” walks in he can finally get a glimpse of the “invisible” guy and stop him dead in his tracks.
    I love your blog and look forward to seeing your new posts!

  • Marrissa

    You are TOO funny! I just started following your blog…and I absolutely LOVE it 🙂

  • Stephanie

    FUN! Jackson would love it! Or maybe I’ll give him the book & keep the GlowMate for me! 🙂

  • Monica Kinney

    Stumbled upon you (somewhere??) and I just LOVE you already. Seriously, we could be soul sistas. LOL. My son would absolutely go nuts over this. Hope to hear from you soon!!

  • Ashley

    No fair no fair I want a “Glow Fan”….I don’t agree with your no family rule!!! You would never claim us in public anyway haha!!! Keep the blogs coming!! Love you 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Ashley, your gift is knowing this kind of crazy is hereditary and seeing yourself five years in the future. Boom! What’s better than that?

  • Angie Walker

    You write books too?! You are Multi-talented! I would love to read it and see if there might be a sliver of seriousness in ya. Thanks again for starting my day off on the right track. Everyone needs a giggle or two in the morning.

  • Desiree McDougal

    Just started reading your blog as well. LOVE IT!!!! We aren’t related by blood. But I’m Jim Halasz’s nephews wife…. does that disqualify me?! Lol

    • Katy in a Corner

      Umm…they’d have to dig so deep into my crazy family to get you, the’d get distracted by all the crazy. I think we have marriage and several degrees of separation. We’re good. Still wouldn’t marry you. But we’re good. 🙂

  • Josie

    I am a stranger, but I follow your blog. I really like it! I would also like to win the giveaway.

  • Elissa M

    I never win anything in my life, well … I do … weight, that won’t go away even with the help of my beloved collection of Jillian Michaels dvd’s! But I’ll give it a shot!

    I follow modern mom, and I was so thrilled to find your blog! I don’t feel lonely in motherhood after all! I stalk, I mean follow you on facebook too!

    Thank you for speaking your mind in behalf of us stay home moms!

  • Kelley Statham

    I could totally use one of these for Emmie’s room, especially once she graduates to her “big girl” bed.

  • Whitney

    Love you! Love your blog ….and Thomas I am sure would join Averi in carrying it in his mouth!!!!

  • Nicole Roberts

    I love your blog and my son, Will, would LOVE the glow thing! We are at the 18 month old bedtime nightmare stage! I think it would help SO much! Wouldn’t it make you feel so great to know how much you were helping a mama out?!? :). Plus-I love to read and was super sad when I didn’t win your book in the first give away!

  • Shiree

    A friend of mine has one of these for her little girl. My boys fell in love with it. All my oldest said for the rest of the night was, “Can I get a glow thing too?”

  • Shana Spears

    So it has come to this…I am now deemed a lawyer…lol
    As always, your writings have become my dosage of sanity – take that as you will…
    Take care, Katy!

    – Shana ^^;

  • Kristen

    Loving reading your blog Katy! You are truly talented! And I’m not just saying that to win the cool prize…haha!

  • Kristin M

    That seems like something my boys would love….to fight over. I guess if I win it, I will have to go buy another one to avoid WWIII breaking out at my house!

  • Debbie McClung

    This sounds like a device I definitely need. Three of the rooms in my house are devoted to grandchildren. The rest of the house is pretty much theirs too. I should probably attach it to my body so I don’t break a hip trying to keep up with them.

  • Jennifer M.

    Love your blog. It always makes me smile. Thanks.

  • Kendra

    Such a great blog! My Avery would love that (we just PCS to Oceanside CA so she has had lots of changes). Mobi are great products we have and love their video baby monitor. My husband is active duty USMC. Thanks for the laughs and honesty in your blogs!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Congrats, Kendra! You won the Mobi GloMate and the copy of my book! Please head on over to our contact page and send us your info. Thanks!

  • Brenda C. Adams

    Katy, That sounds like just what this Grandie needs to have for my little grand, Jasper when he is at Grandie and Papa’s house. He is with us a lot and we love getting him things that he doesn’t have at home. I LOVE your blog, and enjoy hearing about your little ones. Thanks for the entertainment!

  • Jennifer

    I know I don’t exactly have a child of the appropriate age, but hey, it’s cute.

  • Rebecca Stinson

    Why have all these people replied, thus lowering my odds of winning?! Seriously. How can I delete some of their comments?

  • Jean Morgan

    I know I’m related and for that I’m thankful…we have a new great-granddaughter born on the 4th of July–I’m sure she would live it…however since we are related–I’m out!!! Katy, I do love your blog-read it every time it comes up–keep up the good work!!!
    Hope to see you soon!!!!

  • Kelly

    Well, Katy I can’t win because while I might be a US resident I currently reside in lovely Australia. BUT, that is super cool that someone smart enough saw the benefit of promoting items on a blog. very smart on their part. I will now look and see where I can get one in the land down under.

    Now, about your theme song. I wake up with it in my head some mornings, it’s so catchy! My sons are all, “WHAT are you singing MUM?”. I just LOVE that song! I sure hope that guy does it for a living. In fact, thinking I should change my theme song from Alanis’ I’m A B**CH to something more catchy and upbeat. :).

    Love your work!

  • Barbara Morgan Ferling

    Katy I love reading your blogs! We’re not related are we (wink,wink)! I wouldn’t use that little glow thing for my grandkids, I’d use it to light the way to the frige for my ‘nitecap’ – and I’m not referring to a hat that I wear after dark! Hope to see you soon (at our family Christmas)!

  • Pat VanBoskerck

    Katy, a friend of mine suggested her friends on FB read you. She is a friend of one of your friends or relatives. Since then I have read everyday and so enjoyed. Altho there are no small children in the family now, I can vividly relate to your blogs. Don’t enter me in the contest so someone else has a chance. Just want you to know how much I enjoy your writings.

  • Judi

    Okay, here we go. Attempt #2.

    Well, we’re. Kinda. Like. Family. Seeing how my oldest is pretty much Auntie Courtney to your kiddos:) I absolutely love what you do while sitting in the corner:) Sorry I don’t always leave a comment, I’m doing good just to get the reading part done. You know, with all the free time I have over here:)

    Good Luck with everything!!!

    • Katy in a Corner

      I think we could totally pass for sisters! You’re the prettier, tanner one. I love y’all. Such a shame we don’t live closer. Across the street is just SO FAR when I’m still in my pajamas at 3:30 in the afternoon.

  • Melissa

    Oh, pick me! Pick me!!! Seriously, pick me, please? 🙂

  • Stephanie Wells


  • Lara

    I’m pulling the twin card on this one. I have one year old twins who like to scream in the middle of the night, the screamer eventually waking the non-screamer if I don’t find and reinsert the paci in time. See, I NEED this. Also, j’adore the blog!

  • Rachel Fish

    I get excited when I see that you have posted a new entry on your blog! Like Christmas excited! And that was before the giveaways! Even better! Keep them coming!

  • Nada Oller

    You crack me up! I loved your blog about the dentist and agree with somebody else who said I think I’m going to take a copy the next time I have my teeth cleaned!

  • Allison

    Would love to win this for my sweet and crazy boy!

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