March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

Public Restroom Panic Attack

This photo is brought to you by that mini panic attack that happens to women (and men sometimes?) when you sit down on the toilet in a public, one-stall restroom.

It’s that moment when you are most vulnerable, doing your private business, glance over at the door, and then PANIC because you can’t tell if you locked it!

That panic attack.

Does this happen to anyone else?

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Showing 10 comments

  • Heather Salee

    lol! I have done this almost every time I have used the single stall public bathrooms. No worries, love, you are completely normal!

  • Heather Schmitt


  • Bethany

    I panic when I have my child with me and he starts taunting me that he is going to open the door.

  • Amy

    Ha. I haven’t quite had that panic attack. But I have to pee like a racehorse because I’m afraid the little kid in there with me is going to open the door instead to leave!!

  • Ruta

    All the time! Especially when I’m at work – LOL!!

  • Jill C.

    Oh I have this particular panic attack on a nearly daily basis! At my work we have 3 stalls but the little sliding latch thing just barely slides into the slot to hold the door closed AND as other people open and close the doors to the other stalls the movement causes the latch to move and you can just be sitting there and have the door swing open–yikes!

    • Katy in a Corner

      I think this qualifies as a hostile work environment. You might want to check into that.

  • Jennifer

    I panic when there are no hooks to hang my purse on, and the door won’t latch…holding your purse, the door and trying to maintain the “hoover” over the toilet is enough to make anyone panic!

  • Jennifer

    AT the hospital where I volunteer there is a two-stall unisex bathroom, but the outer door locks as well as the stall. I panic even when I KNOW I’ve locked the door, because it’s always possible that the lock is broken, or I didn’t get it locked properly.

    • Katy in a Corner

      I would quit. Wait, you’re a volunteer. Yeah, I would still quit. 🙂

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