March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

A Letter to My Daughter (You Have Taught Me)


So, I created this letter for my daughter, and now I’m SOBBING. I can’t even see to type. So, let’s just hope this is relatively free of errors.

I’m sobbing because:

1) our baby girl turns 2 today and

2) I was dumb enough to make a video montage to commemorate it.

Next year, I’m just getting her a puppy instead. That would be way less emotional.

P.S. – I’ll announce the Fall Fashion Giveaway winner later today (once I regain my vision)!

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Showing 19 comments

  • Myriah

    So glad I read this before I put on my mascara. Beautiful job, Katy.

  • Debbie

    Great. Now I’M crying.

  • G-Man


    Katy, Give that girl a big hug and kiss from G-Man and tell her I love her and will see her soon.

  • kathy

    My baby girl turns 20 today – Thank you for sharing a wonderful tribute that speaks to all of us moms.

  • Karmen

    That was just awesome! Okay is this the new thing? Video montages? Is this like the new scrapbooking? Should I feel guilty now for all the montages that I am not going to do in the future? Ha! 🙂

    • Katy in a Corner

      Karmen, your comments made me laugh so hard. I know what you mean, too. I feel guilty for all the scrapbooks I don’t do. Or the baby books. Or the giant canvases of my kids’ faces. I guess videos are what I CAN do for them. 🙂

  • Shana Spears

    That was just beautiful. And I am certain your parents thought about sabotaging your social life, too. It must be a family tradition.

  • HeatherMcD

    You made me cry at work! Ugh! My baby girl is turning 1 in just a few short months and I’m already super emotional about it. I’m pretty sure I’m going to cry through her party. Perhaps I’ll bring a BASKET of puppies to distract people from me blubbering in the corner.

    Seriously though, that was so beautiful. It is so wonderful and refreshing to see your transparency about your family. Love it.

  • karen

    OH MY GOSH, that was beyond touching, beautiful, amazing, and inspiring! Your sweet little daughter will no doubt treasure that one day. Your narration was so warm and love filled, and that just goes to show that you are really meant to be heard as well as seen! A wonderful message for a special birthday. So glad you do what you do! Continue to share your gifts, your voice, your spirit with the world, Katy. You are truly a messenger of God.

  • Kimberly

    This beautiful…just beautiful…

  • Leigh Ann

    Good lord, Katie. I made it to :23 before I was crying. What a gift for your sweet girl.

  • Robyn

    Wow, that was awesome! Nice job Mom, on the video AND raising a beautiful girl. Happy 2nd Birthday Averi!

  • Ashley

    Happy 2nd Birthday RiRi!!! Cousin Ashley loves you!!!! Xoxo

  • ThePeachy1

    Amazing job. My baby girl ( my first born) my everything, is 24. I don’t see her enough, I don’t speak to her enough, and I most certainly do not get to hug her enough. in a couple days my second born, my oldest son, will be 22, I can’t hold him, or talk to him, or comfort him, or embarrass him. He’s in a different world far away and communication only comes sporadically when he can. For all the moms, for all the love, for all the kisses and hugs. Wonderful job Momma.

  • maggie b.


  • Meghan Sebastian

    My sister shared my Facebook post with your sister (or some other relation?) yesterday at work at the YMCA in Clearwater. She then shared back your blog to my sister who sent it to me. Loved the letter to your daughter. I have 4 sons, 13, 11 year old twins, and a 7 year old. Here was my letter — to my future daughters-in-law:

    So I want to send a formal apology and plea to my future daughters-in-law. Please know that I try desperately to raise wonderful husbands for you. And while we are well on our way in training them to be faithful men of God, dedicated husbands, and caring fathers, I fear that you may notice some bad smells, or witness excessive scratching in unseemly places. Despite my best efforts, I worry that they will grow up to be, well . . . men. I only hope that (like their father) they hide it from you long enough to talk you into marrying them, so that I have some shot at grandchildren. And that one day, you too, will shake your heads in dismay at your beloved brood of sons — and forgive me.


  • Judi

    Absolutely LOVE~

  • Bo

    Holy wow girl. That’s awesome. Happy Birthday A!

  • HouseTalkN

    “You’re killing me, Smalls!” This is so beautiful! Happy birthday to your big girl and thank you for sharing your lovely words.

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