March 4, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

The Lost & Found Letter, Decades Late & Right On Time

The Lost & Found Letter

In case you’re wondering why my posts have been pretty infrequent around here, I’m now able to share with you the reason why. I have been working on a story so near and dear to my heart that I have poured all of my free time and energy into it. This is a story so incredible that I flew from Kansas back to Georgia to capture it.

It’s a story about my Grandmother, Geraldine “Gerry” Hinesley, and the man who was her first love.

A story about a letter she wrote and how it arrived 69 years later…

To quote the man who received her letter, “…age improved it a bit.”

Mr. Daniel, if you’re reading this, I’d like to sincerely thank you for sharing your story with us.

Thank you for the joy you have brought to my precious grandmother.

And thank you for your sacrifice for our country. We are forever grateful for your bravery and willingness to serve.

Happy Veterans Day!

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  • Shana Spears

    This made me cry. This was the sweetest story. God truly works in mysterious ways.

  • Rachel

    Loved this story. 🙂

  • Laura Clark

    Wow! Such a lovely story. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  • Don & Penny Cox


    We love the wonderful video tribute. My dad so enjoyed his visit with your grandmother. Such a special day for him. I know he will love seeing this tomorrow when he is over at our house for lunch.

    Don and Daddy loved meeting all of you. Thanks so much for making such a wonderful video that we call can treasure. We’ll be sharing with all of our family, as well.

    Best to all of you.

    Penny Cox

    • Katy in a Corner

      Penny, your comment means so much to me! I’m incredibly grateful that we got to meet your wonderful dad. He’s quite a man. I’m just thrilled that they were able to reconnect and that they allowed me to be a part of it. God bless you and your precious family!

  • Julia Jet Ski

    Well Miss Katy you have Jeff and I in tears. This is such a beautiful story I want to thank Mrs. Hinesley and Mr. Daniels for letting you share this with all of us. xoxox

  • Gina

    What a beautiful story…it sounds as if it came straight off the silver screen of Hollywood. Lovely ending to a sweet story.

  • Karmen

    Just incredible! Amazing that the letter was returned to the intended and that they were both alive and able to meet! Just speechless over this. You did a beautiful job putting the video together–what a family treasure!

  • Heather

    I absolutely LOVE it! You did a fantastic job of sharing their story!!! It made me cry.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thanks! That means a ton coming from someone in the news biz!


    This was great. Such a wonderful story. This gives new meaning to Snail Mail. xo MC

  • Renee Farrar

    Such a sweet story–loved it Katy.

  • Beth

    Katy, that made all of us cry…….the sweetest story!! Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful moment and this memory will last a lifetime!! What a talent my SWEET…SWEET…SWEET NIECE!!! No one could have done this better!!! I LOVE YOU KATY!!! Xoxoxoxo

  • Sarah

    This is beautiful. What an amazing story, and how eloquently you presented it!

  • Janet Stanley

    What a beautiful story. I live in Warrenton, Ga. and walk by Mrs. Hinesley’s house from time to time. I don’t know Mrs. Hinesley personnally but my mother in law did. They were in garden club together. My mother in law has passed on but she talked of Mrs. Hinesley and their friendship.

  • Laura

    This was absolutely beautiful. My father was the man who put the letter in his army foot locker. Sending the letters to Mr. Daniel has been a highlight of this year for my family.

    • Katy in a Corner

      Laura, I can’t even express how thankful I am that you sent the letter! It’s been such a huge blessing to our family. The comment we have all made throughout this process was how wonderful it was that you did the research and found Mr. Daniel when you did. THANK YOU for that. May God bless you and your family…especially as you celebrate Veterans Day tomorrow.

  • Don and Penny Cox


    Daddy came over to lunch today and saw the video. He was really pleased and enjoyed it so much. He was so glad that he got to make the trip. What a great few weeks he has had.

    We’ve passed the link on to many of our family members and to Doyle’s daughter. I see that she has responded to you. We’re all so grateful that she took the time to search for Daddy. Hoping that we can meet her someday to thank her personally.

    Thanks again for the wonderful video.

  • Laura

    The letters from 1944 have crossed time and distance and brought people together.

    As a result of a newspaper article about the letters, my father’s sister (age 82) heard from a cousin who lives in Florida. The cousins had been out of touch for awhile. The cousins found out they both have daughters living within driving distance of each other in Hawaii.

  • Meree deBeaugrine

    Mrs. Gerri is my neighbor and I love her so. This made me cry you did an awesome job. Thanks so much for this.

  • LaLa

    Katy, My grandfather R.C. Cain was a tailgunner in WWII. He married his childhood sweetheart, my Dad’s Mom, Montae, soon after the war ended. This story brought tears to my eyes and made me imagine how my own grandparent’s love story must have been. What a bittersweet, precious moment to enjoy on Veteran’s Day. Thanks for all your hard work to put this together! Thanks to all the soldiers out there serving their country. Love to you and Captain Morgan 😉

  • Kathleen Norris

    What a precious story. I am grateful for the service of Mr. Daniels, my dad, and all the men and women who have sacrified much for this great nation. May God bless every soldier out there.

  • Kathy Peacock

    We are friends with Don and Penny Cox, Mr. Daniel’s daughter and son-in-law. We also know Mr. Daniel and what a wonderful man he is. Thank you for letting us see a glimpse of your grandmother as well. What a great moment is their lives and thank you for sharing it.

    Kathy Peacock

  • Robin Roberts

    What a wonderful meeting and video – I’m so glad my sister found the letter and that Clayton Daniel and your grandmother were able to reunite!

  • Beth

    A moving story made more memorable as I read it on this Veteran’s Day — God Bless the young and old and those they love as they make their sacrifices for our Country and each of us.

    I am so proud of my redheaded brother who became Clayton’s friend and comrade and waited by the ambulance as he bid farewell to Clayton from the scene of battle and very proud,too, of my young niece who persevered and found Clayton for all of us to honor and to connect with his and Gerry’s families.

    My regret that my beloved husband a retired navy captain and combat veteran who had great respect and admiration for my brother passed on earlier this year and was not aware of this poignant story.

  • aunt kat

    What a beautiful story! It is so incredibly sweet and so wonderful that you were able to document it for your grandmother and Mr. Daniel. What a heart-warming reunion and one they will not soon forget. I am so happy that letter finally found Mr. Daniel and that he was able to reconnect with your grandmother. Great job honey! Thank you for sharing.

    aunt kat

  • James Newsome


    I grew up and still live in Warrenton. Your uncle Hal and I graduated together in the Class of 68, so I’m very familiar with the Hinesley clan.

    I thought you’d be interested to know that I shared your link on Facebook on the page “So Where is Warrenton.”

    We’ve all followed the story of the letter with great interest. You video and blog post is excellent.

    James Newsome

  • Denise Hopper

    Katy, you did a wonderful job telling this heartwarming story. Mr. Daniel was a pillar of our congregation before he moved to FL and we miss him very much. And your grandmother is such a delight, it’s easy to see. I am thrilled that they were able to reconnect after all this time. God’s hand at work for sure teaching us so many lessons.

    Denise Hopper

    • Katy in a Corner

      Denise, it warms my heart to hear all these stories from folks who know Mr. Daniel. I could tell just from our first meeting that he is a man of great character. Of course, my grandmother said that she wouldn’t have dated anyone who wasn’t! Thank you so much for your comment. I know it means a great deal to my family and to Mr. Daniel’s as well. God bless!

  • Susan D

    I had this in my inbox for quite a while…and just sat down today to catch up …still wiping the tears away. This would make a great Nicolas Sparks movie. Katy, your parents and grandmother are so very lucky to have you …you did a marvelous job on this!

    • Katy in a Corner

      Thank you so much, Susan! And I totally agree that this is Hollywood material. It’s such a beautiful story, and it couldn’t have happened to two more incredible people. Thanks again for your comment, and God bless!

  • Paul Lowe


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