March 5, 2025From Dirty Dancing to dirty diapers

How to be the Perfect Grandparent (Part 1)

I see it as no coincidence that tornadoes are expected in Kansas around the same time as my parents in the middle of this week. Let the cyclone of gift-giving, hugging, kissing, missed bedtimes, doting, running, playing, splashing, reading, snack times, and squealing commence!

No one does fun like a grandparent. No one.

Well, except for the parents who get a whole weekend without the kids. That’s pretty fun too. But more on that later.

What are some of your tips for how to be the perfect grandparent? And what is the best grandparent name you’ve ever heard?

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  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    Precious? Umm, never read Tolkien, huh? Well, have fun with that.

  • Christa Blevins

    My stepmom’s mom was called ‘ding ding’, I think it started because the first grand kid called her that because of a game they played… But stuck because she was a little dingy 🙂

  • Christa Blevins

    Oh, and my mom thought she was too young to be a grandma, so she wanted to be called ‘gimme’ so when they’re in a store and the kid says ‘GIMME!’ People just think its a bratty kid with a mom or aunt 🙂

  • mustloveleftovers

    Great video!  How do you remember all you’re going to say without stumbling over words!?  I’m impressed.  Anyway, the Grandparent names in our family are Gramma Janna, Manna and Papa.  Hope your kiddos enjoy time with their loved ones.

    • katyinacorner

      mustloveleftovers First of all, your name is awesome. Second of all, I spend HOURS in rehearsal before I actually record a video. (I’m lying.) I pretty much edit out all the times I look like an idiot. Most of them, at least.
      Thanks so much for reading/watching//commenting! It helps me to know I’m not just talking to myself. 🙂

  • Debbie Hafner Parris

    My Dads 3rd wife was Ma Shake Shake as she was the cool young Grandma and spent a ton of time in Hawaii and her real name was Shannon……

  • Katy in a Corner

    I have already decided I’m going with Jermajesty.

  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    For us, it’s simply “Your Majesty” until the curtsy is done, and the bow, THEN they can come closer and call her Grannie.

  • Karmen

    JerMajesty is the best! Filing that away for the future…!

  • kacyj1s

    Know you are going to enjoy Precious and G-Man’s visit! We just saw our grandson – was WONDERFUL! My grandmother name is Gracy (a blend of Grandma Kacy) and Ricky’s is Pa. While mine has a bit of flair to it, the grandbaby can actually say Pa. Oh well, one day he will call me something! Have friends who are Lolly and Pop!

  • NonnieKelly

    The best Grandparent name I’ve heard is my own (well, when my Grandkids say it)…Nonnie. Perfect Gparent tips…feed them sweets, give them treats, send them home. 🙂

  • Stephanie Arthur Malhotra

    It’s my fave! Got it in my Birchbox a year ago & been hooked ever since!

  • Ashley T

    I love my grandparents!!! They taught me everything like walking on the counters…thanks to Grandmama…I think she put me up there to get stuff she couldn’t reach and then I just took advantage of it…I then realized it was unacceptable when my Aunt Pam aka Precious did not approve of me doing this at her house…I will have to teach Averi how it’s done!!! Haha! I also learned how to be a Nintendo pro thanks to our grandmama 🙂 she was pretty awesome!!! Keep the videos coming!! Love you xoxo

  • amberly

    Love it!! And yes! I tell “Mama Ellen” everything!!

  • Beth Hinesley Gettig

    I saw this post so i watched the video. Taylor was sitting across the room so she never saw the pic of the lipstick….the minute I started playing the video she ran over to watch it and the first thing out of her mouth was oooh I love her lipstick …..LOL….pretty funny from a 4 year old…it made me laugh out loud

  • Katy in a Corner

    A girl after my own heart!!!

  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    GREAT. Now I have that name in my head, with that voice. You OWE me the REI bag. 😉

  • Katy in a Corner

    What name? What voice? Jennifer, you know your sarcasm confuses me. And I’m about as sarcastic as humanly possible. You, my friend, are the master. But, seriously…explain.

  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    “AHem. “My Preciousssssssssssssss”. That one.

  • Katy in a Corner

    Oooooooh! That’s awesome! Try to sleep tonight with that on your mind. 🙂

  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    Nope. I have back-up. “Arwen, ride hard and don’t look back.” Uh huh. THAT voice.

  • Katy in a Corner

    Still confused. Apparently, we have very different taste in films. (That last one was from a film, right?)

  • Jennifer Zarifeh Major

    Lord of the RIngs, same film as “My Preciousssssss”. The above quote was the hero telling his girl to ride as hard as she could to escape the RIngwraiths (bad guys).

  • DavidandSuzanne Wendt

    My kids call my dad Paca. When my oldest tried to say Grandpa, it came out as Paca. Turns out a Paca is some kind of South American rodent. Who knew?

  • Karen Schmitt-Mazzaglia

    If you like this you should try Mary Kay’s Satin Lips set ($18). Doesn’t add color but my your lips will be perfectly exfoliated and moisturized!

  • Katy in a Corner

    Karen, I’ve used that before! Love it!

  • Karen Schmitt-Mazzaglia

    BTW, I’m a new follower from Let Me Start By Saying. I think you’re hilarious and you’ve definitely got the mom gig pegged. Have a great night!

  • Frammitz

    I have just discovered you. What a delight! 
    My mother claimed “NANA!” Said really loud with a huge fake smile like the one she uses when she wants you to be excited about a gift she gave you for Christmas. It scares the children at first, but they adjust.

    • Frammitz

      Oh, and she was married to Grumps. His name suited him perfectly.

      • katyinacorner

        @Frammitz Grumps is awesome! Love it!!!

  • Christina Dymond Lane

    A friend of mine name is Pam hers call her Pammaw

  • Katy in a Corner

    We tried to get my mom (also named Pam) to go with Grammy Pammy. She wasn’t having it. 🙂

  • imklvr

    Oh, good.  I got the name part down.  Grandma (always a good one) or G-ma with my grandkids,  Grani (WITH an i) for the greats.  And letting them do what their parents won’t?  Ha!  I got in major trouble with this one!  Couldn’t see them for a month.  Yes, I was punished.  So was grandson.  His lesson learned?  When confessing, don’t mention G-ma.  He’s 19 now, so we’re good.  OK!  Where’s part 2!

  • Quirky Pickle

    Yes! My absolute favorite ever!! I love the rose, but have a sampler box of about five different ones now, too. haha

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